COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

They seem to confirm reinfection is possible and had occured ‘probably’ 4 times in this early stage of the NEW variant but more data required to know if reinfection rate with remain this low?? “but further work is required to compare this reinfection rate”

Seem to be inferrring “don’t know mechanism of increased transmission” hence confirming increased transmission.

How many other cases do we have, worldwide in the last 11 months? Are there many cases in your juristiction?

At no point in time, ever, has re-infection ever been labeled impossible. Nor is re-infection something new.

Lindsey Graham styling and profiling with the visible undershirt under the polo shirt, rocking a South Carolina hat AND polo.

Surprised he didn’t tattoo a palmetto tree on his face.

Governmenrt scientists have confirmed it’s highly likely that the new mutation transmits far more rapidly.

Does it have to reach USA#1 for alarm to set in?

What they actually said:

Studies of correlation between R-values and detection of the variant: which suggest an absolute increase in the R-value of between 0.39 to 0.93.

In summary, NERVTAG has moderate confidence that VUI-202012/01 demonstrates a substantial increase in transmissibility compared to other variants.

But please tell me all about how I’m not worried about covid while working in an ER in one of the biggest hot spots in the USA… for the second time. That’s not insulting at all.

I don’t know if it’s because of the ongoing to and fro between churchill and you but you seemed to be nonplussed about this new strain to the point of discounting it until you have concrete proof, which is pretty much impossible at this moment in time.

The evidence for this is about as strong as it can be at this stage, so yes it’s time for you to get worried, not to feel insulted.


Re-read Wookie’s post above.

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thanks for this post, I was about to make a serious response to your previous one but if you’re here to stroke your ego instead of trying to be more informed I won’t waste my time.

Is everything okay?

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Yes, of course you were. :roll_eyes:

please stop with the personal attacks - if you want a source, PM me - let’s not block the information I add to the thread - as others have said, don’t reply to me

you do not add information to the thread. We constantly have to correct your misinformation.


Hospitals are definitely doing some dumb stuff. I know someone who works for a hospital that got the vaccine on Friday. By her own admission she almost never has worked in the past year (she had a baby at the start of the year.)

Meanwhile I know doctors who are in contact with high risk patients who are still waiting.

I do think administrators and accountants at hospitals can step back. Personally I don’t know how I could work for a hospital on the administrative side and not refuse the vaccine until all the front line workers were vaccinated. I know some administration jobs require frequent patient interaction, not talking about them.

There shouldn’t be a nurse, respiratory therapist or a doctor who works on the floor without the vaccine before the first manager gets it.


Can we ban all posters from the UK until we figure out what the hell is going on?



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Hopefully not Jal, but rooting for COVID’s destruction and it’s perceived success has been a real thing from the beginning for some.

90% of my posts are quoted with source, without my comment. Why reply to me on those.

99% of these are the BBC (solid source). 15% of these are live, you know the same list the US media organisiations scroll and run a story on a few days later. I see many which get amended just minutes after they post live, leaving out the juicy bits, that have been reported from solid sources but are too risky to report / not absolutely concrete until another load of scientists confirm.

At a meeting someone asked when we’re getting the vaccine, the VP said since we’re non clinical we are in the ‘Other’ category and dead last.

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Churchill bud, you just posted something (viral loads being higher) that was directly contradicted by the source you posted.

If you post stuff that is obviously not true, it’s going to get corrected.

Guy sits on Nervtag…not an ER doc though ;)

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