COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Which bit are you struggling on? Faster transmission is already established so can’t be that. Must be that the same sources hinting that this one of 1000’s of variants was a big deal is also hinting the vaccine will almost certainly take a hit on efficacy, given the 6+ changes to spike and given it was designed befor the new variant.

Of course, every report you read will contain the standard ‘no evidence to prove that efficacy has been affected’ but that’s because those studies are only just starting, any vaccine available is better than no vaccine and we want / need those offered to still take it. Even when those studies are released, you’ll be the first to poo poo them before we wait for peer review or a US publication to make a comment.

Do different forms of vaccine still work i.e Oxford I wonder - not that the US cares there but countries who can’t afford to pay for vaccine might.

This is the bit you’re making up.


No, it’s not. There’s a correlation. It has not been demonstrated. Viruses also don’t have independent ‘doubling times’. That value is greatly influenced by society, and that value was 2-3 days before mitigation factors were in place.

You really need to post your sources as you’re not capable of effectively digesting scientific literature. I’m willing to help you but you seem to just want to inflate your ego instead of actually talking about COVID.

the vaccine will almost certainly take a hit on efficacy

This is not supported by anything I’ve read nor does it make sense in my understanding of the biochemistry. Please post the source you used to make this conclusion.

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all these GOP dipshits have been going along with the CHINESE FLU HOAX all year and now they’re first in line to get the jab


It’s very infuriating

Like my boss who said we wouldn’t do mandatory 14 day quarantine if one of us got sick and I’m wondering maybe he doesn’t know how bad it is

He’s begging the doctor clients to get him and his wife the vaccine early


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amazingly Marsha Blackburn hasn’t been bragging about the vaccine, she spent this morning getting her base fired up about GEORGE SOROS


Please keep this type of good news coming. My family is suffering severe covid fatigue and if we have to do this type of lockdown again in the next few years I’m not so sure we’ll be able to maintain our diligence.

ETA: or maintain our sanity.


Is there a way to fire her up?

via rocket into the sun?

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Day 3 - what shot? This will end part 1 of the covid vaccine TR.


My wife had zero side effects from vax r1 besides a slightly sore arm. Pretty much the same with everyone else we know who got it.


If you’d click on the link posted which shows the brief minutes, suitable for consumption by you and I. These chaps are the scientists, they already drawn the conculsions hence notifying WHO etc

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Oh, 4 reinfections - yeah, not many but not much chance for the 915 subjects to catch it twice, assuming say minimum 6 months immunity

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You are a better man than me, doc.

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You conveniently left out the part of antigenic escape where it specifically says

NERVTAG concluded that there are currently insufficient data to draw any conclusion on

Right above that antigenic stuff you posted. There’s no way you just missed that. You’re being dishonest. No one disputes what is possible. The dispute over what is likely.

You do not understand what you’re reading. There’s no statements about doubling time or vaccine effectiveness in that paper. You not only do not understand what you’re saying, you’re clearly being dishonest to avoid admitting that you were wrong about your previous post.

This post is an improvement for you though. Continue posting were you’re getting your info and people can come in and straighten you out.


16 year old niece pozzed from a kid in her physics class. Of course schools haven’t contributed to the out of control spread :roll_eyes:


This wasn’t excluded purposely. Just for you, on the page before and not ever so relevant as you missed the box below which basically contains the same ‘caveat’ that every early report contains

Viral load higher too ;)

ScreenHunter_1846 Dec. 21 18.57

Here;s the guy on the Nervtag committee confirming, 3 days after the meeting, increase viral load before you claim I drawing conclusions (means nothing, NBD, I know)

Virus now confirmed in Italy. Being at the top of the tree is US field have you found it in US yet?

I’m not sure if you’re making a joke or if you truly don’t understand that section of the paper is them saying they do not know those things. Can you make it clear?

They seem to confirm reinfection is possible and had occured ‘probably’ 4 times in this early stage of the NEW variant but more data required to know if reinfection rate with remain this low?? “but further work is required to compare this reinfection rate”

Seem to be inferrring “don’t know mechanism of increased transmission” hence confirming increased transmission.

How many other cases do we have, worldwide in the last 11 months? Are there many cases in your juristiction?

At no point in time, ever, has re-infection ever been labeled impossible. Nor is re-infection something new.

Lindsey Graham styling and profiling with the visible undershirt under the polo shirt, rocking a South Carolina hat AND polo.

Surprised he didn’t tattoo a palmetto tree on his face.