COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

No, we should be absolutely treating this like a fucking war where the enemy soldiers are currently marching down 5th avenue. All of society should be mobilized for this, at every level. It’s fucking ludicrous. Also, we had 9 months to prepare for vaccine rollout and distribution. Come on.


Uh, are you suggesting that vaccine distributors and administrators are reading my posts and then deciding to go on a coffee break?

I’m pretty sure there was an article posted somewhere in this thread where some vaccine researcher said that delaying the gap between the vaccines probably increases the immunity after the second dose. He also said that this has been observed with many other vaccines, so it’s not some crazy theory.

Obviously, in the time between the two doses, your immunity will be less, but in the long run the thinking is that it will be at least as good. I realize it hasn’t been tested for Pfizer and Moderna, but I think even for those it has to be better than no vaccine at all.

It’s not the number of people per se, it’s the number of infected people that determines whether the data set was large or not.

I’m saying I’m pissed and everyone else should be too.


I didn’t say that. New York and the rest of the country can and should be doing better. If you scroll up a few posts you can find me talking about some ways that things could potentially be done better. I think a lot of the responsibility lies at the federal level, but there’s some blame to go around for the state and local levels as well.

So did France and Germany and Italy and Spain and The UK and Belgium and The Netherlands and Japan and Russia and Norway and Sweden and Canada and on and on, but you’re that much better at organizing something like this than almost everyone else in the world that it would just be trivial for you.

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Only vaccinating during business hours is disheartening. The City Council person has a point.

Yup. I’ve been extremely pessimistic. Even if we had competent government we still have the problem of all the anti-science morons who make up about half the country. Our government has been totally hollowed out and purposefully filled to the rafters with corporate stooges there to enrich their masters rather than govern. So of course our response is basically nothing. No one is getting rich off the rollout, everyone who matters already got rich off the stonks market pumps on vaccine news so who cares if 1 million die by the time we get enough people vaccinated in 2023.

We have a problem only the government can solve and they aren’t remotely up to the task and haven’t even really tried from what I can tell.


Counting on the digits of my fingerless gloves the number of times the US has had experience of mobilising its population against an army marching down 5th Ave, but it must be so simple.

Let’s look at Europe in WW2 and in particular its largest army at the time, France, to see how easy even that was.

4 years ago my county ran a drill to practice for mass inoculating in response to a pandemic. They did it using the flu shot. They inoculated like 4,000 people in a few hours.

Yeah, I am so much better. We’ve got a lot of fucking resources in this country. If there was the political will then every fucking aspect of society should have been drafted into the effort, in advance. You’re god damned right that Israel is doing it better, and it probably is because they’re using the military. We’ve got one of the largest militaries in the world, why the fuck are we not using ours for logistics support if that’s the throttle point? We can invade a fucking country like Iraq and set up supply chains in hours to keep an army moving forward but we can’t fucking set up logistics in our own country to provide for speedy vaccinations? Please. Political leaders don’t have the will to expend the resources that are necessary.


Then why are 189 countries doing worse than the US? Are they all even stupider?

Maybe you can’t just become Israel overnight or in a year or in two years.

We have had produced vaccine sitting around unused now over a month. Anyone carrying water for the vaccine rollout has lost the plot imo.

Is it hard? Of course. But it isn’t as if we are trying our best and failing. We are failing because we aren’t trying.


One reason given for Israel’s speed is that their medical system has the data to roll this out fast. When we look at this and how slow the government was to send out stimulus checks, I think that the US needs to build massive federal databases to make actions easier.


Most of those have only had a vaccine delivered in the last 7 days


The thing is you don’t know how hard it is to try. Neither do I. Maybe no one does exactly. But we have some empirical data. Every country in the world, aside from a few in the middle of war or famine, are trying this right now. It’s beyond hubris to assume that you just know how to do it better and could actually execute.

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Maybe those other countries’ bottleneck is getting the vaccine and getting it distributed? This is what everyone thought our bottleneck was going to be. Turns out it’s the freaking last mile of sticking a needle in someone’s arm that any candy striper can do. That’s unacceptable.

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Pretty sure states being dead broke is a big part of the problem. They can’t throw money around to make this happen.

