COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We have about 90% of our vaccine stock unused after over a month. At this rate some will expire before going in arms. We aren’t trying. There is no cohesive plan.

I don’t care much how hard it would be to try. We should try.

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It helps that Israel is roughly the side of New Jersey and densely populated.

Which is why this is a Trump/Federal govt. mega fuckup.

I don’t think anyone here is suggesting they are experts. That is a massive strawman. We are saying a team of experts at the CDC or whatever should have been building a plan and then the infrastructure to execute it. That didn’t happen and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that.

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Donald Trump is the president and anyone remotely competent left ages ago.

Of course Wichita could do better. So could I. So could you.


Wouldn’t it be great if Biden being the White House flipped the switch and the vaccination rate accelerated under his leadership? I’ll take a slow initial rollout if it can be exploited to push a message that good government can actually get shit done.


Exactly. This needed to be a federal effort start to finish. They’re in a better position to prioritize where the vaccine and the personnel are needed.

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Partly and that helps with Iceland too, which has done more vaccinations than the US, by a little. Israel is in a league of their own though and I think that has more to do with really being on a domestic war footing forever on top of being a small country on top of an ethos that we don’t have here about life - the kind of thing that makes them do things like Operation Entebbe/Operation Moses that really no other country in the world would do.

You do realize the US has had approved vaccine for 5x+ more time than most of the world right?


Yeah people pushing this 50% plan are doing it all wrong.

It is a horrible strategy.

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That’s just not true. For one thing a lot/most of this stuff is not done by the federal government. For another thing, the people that do the work are not elected officials. By and large the federal government is staffed by the same professionals that it would be in any administration. Does Trump help? Of course not, but the politicians were never going to be doing this.

The politicians oversee the agencies that should be handling this. They have been hollowed out by Trump.

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The point is now to compare the US to other countries. The entire point is that the nature of the bottleneck right now - jabbing people - should be easily solvable. If you told me the bottleneck was manufacturing or shipping at -80C, I’d be a lot more sympathetic.

This is like one of those things in Thinking Fast and Slow and in this case it’s one where everyone thinks “duh this problem is easy”, but the answer is “lol no, when you deal with immensely large systems and numbers things that may look trivial just aren’t” and people just can’t get that.

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Disagree. It needs to be properly managed. Perhaps you don’t care if you get a spoiled vaccine but I do.

It’s not like any vaccine that goes bad is going to be properly destroyed, many will be injected into humans by the same people who couldn’t work a refrigerator.

The reality is there should have been some top down training and certification on all this. We could have managed a couple/few weeks to actually have executed this as less than a total shit show.

Why are you so dead set on defending this obvious failure of the system? If the people in place aren’t sufficient, you get more people. You set up tents. If the bottleneck is states won’t pay for OT that’s ludicrous and shouldn’t be tolerated.

Yeah if Nate is on board it is definitely stupid.

If people behave as they should be in the middle of a deadly global pandemic the 50% option shouldn’t be on the table at all.

Not only is it unsound mathematically it leads to a host of implantation issues for full vaccination that are bad.


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Can anyone who is defending this slow last mile point to an article that explains why this is such an unsolvable problem? Or are you just imagining that it must be hard for reasons we don’t know?

I am sympathetic to the idea that things are more complicated than we realize. But I’d sure love to see some details that try to explain why.

It’s more that I’m dead set on telling you all that you’re being dumb than defending the system. :man_shrugging:

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Coin flips itt