COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m sorry man but if thinking it is a failure to have 90% of your produced vaccine unused after a month while 80,000 people needlessly die every month is dumb then explain why it would be smart to think that was ok?

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It’s also reminiscent of the landlord in my old local years ago who close to closing time would regale anyone prepared to listen with rants about how every historical figure he could name was a “fucking idiot” and how things would have worked out much better if only he’d been in charge. lol

Except no one here is saying we would be perfect at it or the best at it? We are saying the last 9 months should have been our actual experts planning, scaling up and executing. That didn’t happen.

Literally the Fed govt plan is to send a random amount of doses to states and let them deal with it. It’s nearly impossible to do worse than that.


I’m not trying to claim that this problem is easy.

EDIT: Basically what Wichita said in the post immediately above.

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No, but they are saying they’d have done a lot better which without knowledge of the whole procurement/supply chain/innoculation process that I suspect no one here has, I question.

We can’t get people to stay out of bars, restaurants and gyms during a deadly global pandemic. Probably too much to ask people to put in overtime. #Freedom

Of course this is why Trump should drop dead today. The federal government in the US fails to oversee all these things that in a rational world should be happening.

Maximizing getting as many people to FULL protection as fast as possible, without limit, should be the goal.

So do all the “govt is doing basically the best they possibly can” apologists see this pace accelerating? If so, why, assuming we’re already doing everything we can possibly do? If we only have 20% vaccinated by fall, will you still be apologizing? When do you realistically see the general public getting vaccinated?

Ok well I’m not saying that. I’m saying we have actual experts. They weren’t really consulted because the Trump admin is completely incompetent. It isn’t that the plan is bad or poorly executed. There is no plan.

The federal govt should be doing more. States should be stepping up more.

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I didn’t say anything about what is ok or not. It’s not ok that people aren’t getting vaccinated. That doesn’t mean that you or jman or anyone in this thread would do a better job than, say, Angela Merkel.

Micro you having some bad takes the last couple days.

The idea that what is happening now couldn’t be done significantly better is just wrong.

The people doing it are only hitting ten percent of their own goals.


Are people saying that? Also I will take Germany to have a higher vax rate than the US by May 1. Up to $500. You are comparing the US vax percentage after 6 weeks to countries who have only had it approved for a week and then drawing a conclusion that means the US is doing well. CMON MAN.

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This is like when I tell my dev lead that the user should go to the home page after logging out, and he tells me this will be a big job that will require adding a lot of complexity and could break things. That may be true - but if so it’s terrible design to begin with.

Not very confident in Biden are you? Why do you need to give Germany 5 months for this bet?

Didn’t the military build some field hospitals in like 3 days early on during this? I don’t understand why the military can’t be mobilized to stand up a bunch of vaccination spots in high school gyms?

I would guess one of the things the military is good at is logistics.

What could Biden possibly do better? I was informed this was an extremely hard problem that is already being solved as best it possibly can. So confuse

Is it possible that the vaccination rate will speed up once frontline workers have gotten their second shot and can dispense with some of the safety protocols?

They are over a month behind?

I regret the tone of my last post itt and the general terribleness of the thread now

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Well ok, I’m not well up on exactly how things are moving in the US, though the point’s been made that it’s doing very well compared to the RoW with only one or two exceptions.

Sure there’s room for improvement in every country’s programme I’d guess, but that’s not surprising seeing as how this happens only once a century (so far anyway).