COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

We are still only administering a small fraction of what is available. Something needs to be better faster.

Imagine the horror of us having too much infrastructure to get people vaccinated as quickly as possible. That would be bad because why?

Sorry not trying to be short with everyone I am just done with humans in general.

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You should ask Witchita why Biden wonā€™t be able to turn it around. Itā€™s easy right?

Your puny human brain canā€™t grasp the insurmountable logistical hurdles involved. Go back to data modeling and let the bureaucrats handle this one.

I completely agree with him. Iā€™m arguing with your stance that everything that could possibly be done is already being done.

Who are we talking about here?

If weā€™re talking about supply chain, shipping and logistics experts, of course I could not do better. If weā€™re talking about the Trump administration who is in charge of this operation, of course I could.

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It will increase certainly. Targeted rollout takes more time than an anyone can come and get it approach. In the US the only people getting vaccines live or work in healthcare facilities where literally everyone can give a vaccine, or at least be trained to give one. I havenā€™t the faintest idea where the bottleneck is.

The states have excess vaccines, are the states not getting them to the hospitals and nursing homes in a timely manner? Are the facilities not pushing out as many doses as humanly possible? Are the employees and patients refusing to such an extent it is causing backlogs? Is it some administrative nightmare from hospitals trying to be too targeted?

Seeing that jabs are only happening during business hours gives me concern that the bottleneck is health departments refusing to staff up or alter their procedures.

All Iā€™m asking is that we not have 10x more vaccine being delivered than is being administered.

Again this is a massive strawman. Did anyone say it was easy? If so i missed it. Biden will do better than Trump. How much better we will see. By then we will have wasted 2.5 months.

Health departments are not giving the vaccine. The individual facilities are.

Thatā€™s not my argument, but then you explain why only Israel is doing much better and only Iceland and the UK are doing slightly better. Why is Germany (a rich country and the model for smart good government, right?) doing so badly?

Then maybe they should be. Maybe there should be tents. My paramedic BIL got it in what looked like a gymnasium in Colorado. Didnā€™t look like a facility to me.

Lol. Do I have to quote posts here? People are saying itā€™s easy over and over and over again.

Iā€™ve said it 4 times now but they literally just approved it there on Dec 21st over a month after the US. Comparing vaccination percentages as a way to show rollout proficiency is dishonest.


The people you are currently talking to and calling dumb?

To give shots to who? Are we stopping the targeted rollout and going free for all?

Could someone explain why weā€™re fighting about this? I think everyone would like vaccines to be distributed faster, and most of us think it could indeed be accomplished faster if there had been more planning or different policies.

I havenā€™t seen anyone say how we forum members can make it go faster other than getting vaccinated as soon as we can and encouraging our friends and family to do the same. Perhaps we can also bug some government officials about the unnecessary slowness, but that seems about it as far as vaccine action items go.

Please carry on with the arguing though if itā€™s a useful vent for completely understandable frustration.

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Governments suck, that is not a reason to not be better.

Government incompetency is not a symptom of America, it is a symptom of government

Not thinking you can do better will guarantee you donā€™t do better.

Yes, those people. Weā€™ve been vaccinating in the US for, what? 2 weeks? How about mid-February for the $500 bet on Germany?

No, but if the bottleneck is not enough staff at the hospital, they can send people elsewhere with paperwork, Itā€™s solvable. Same for paramedics like my BIL who donā€™t work at a hospital.

You just questioned why we ever discuss most things on this board.

Iā€™m pissed the rollout is so slow and flabbergasted some are trying to defend it.