COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Some states provide more data than others. But you can get a reasonable approximation from the NY Times here:

Just look up your county and you’ll see the per capita rate of new cases. Two differences between this number and the metric we were talking about earlier - one is very big and one is minor:

  • MINOR: The NY Times number is a 7-day number, rather than the 14-day number that we were talking about earlier.
  • BIG: The NY Times data is a daily average number, while the 14-day number above is a 14-day cumulative number.

If you multiply your county daily average number by 14, you’ll get roughly the metric we’re talking about.

All that being said, some states/counties are pretty good about providing the 14-day per capita cumulative number, but I don’t know if your state/county is one of those.


Wat… sure just a coincidence.

Why would you answer the door? It’s not 1952. :joy:

One thing that is very different in australia is the attitude to enforcement.

This video was linked ITT a few months back. “Bunning Karen” (i.e. home depot karen) went viral after refusing to wear a mask and getting arrested.

Whats notable vs similar american videos.

  1. The officer is completely clear on what law hes enforcing, and his right to enforce it.
  2. The application of force seems less arbitrary than those in america.
  3. The public were generally completely behind her getting arrested.

(The arrest starts from 1 minute. But its more satisfying if you see the lead up.)

Likewise. Weve had hard border lockdowns the last few days. While theres plenty of criticism of how, when, notice periods etc, people accept the idea of police road blocks turning people back.


This is a long fucking corner to round imo.

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I’m trying to get the wife to move out of the US. I’m gonna put this video in my Australia bid.


I’m trying to specifically reference a case where the guidelines were way out there such that the loophole made no sense.

I think it’s fair to say there was some politics added in to the guidelines.

Fair point on the exact description as written though. I would just argue that the later clause essentially negates the rule and it does not make good public health sense.

Probably not a good combo that he is 87 and has been in the hospital for a week.

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I can’t believe he hasn’t already died of lung cancer.

yea he is a cancer survivor plus has heart issues and type 2 diabetes. Nothing can kill Larry King.

over the last year I kept reading dudes in their early 40’s croaking for a variety of things when I’m in my late 30’s. I didn’t realize I was entering a dangerous time.

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didn’t see it posted, another GOP death today. This one definitely of covid.

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Wonder when that photo was taken? Maybe dear leader personally killed him.

Both of my parents got the vaccine today!

My dad is a doctor and qualified to get an appointment as a frontline healthcare worker (though he is mostly retired now and does part time volunteer clinic work).

My mom didn’t expect to be able to get it, but she went with him. And apparently at the end of the day, they are giving vaccines to anyone who shows up on a first-come-first-serve basis if they have stock left over that they would otherwise have to discard. And I guess she lucked out. My dad said they’d be looking up vacation flights tonight!

So this might be worth checking out for anyone that wants the vaccine immediately but doesn’t qualify.

From 22. If you’re a frontline healthcare worker going to get vaccinated, bring your spouse.

Might be a little harder if you’re in NY though. It’s still amazing Cuomo came out with a book about leadership lessons from a pandemic after just a few months into the pandemic lol but I guess it’s smart since he can easily make a part 2

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I really hope I don’t have to bury my parents because they refused to put off going to Outback Steakhouse twice a month. I’m so fucking tired of this.


My parents have continued dining out during the pandemic. They went out for my mother’s 64th birthday tonight. My sister and her new husband joined. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I told my sister “so uh… (my partner) has to go into the funeral home today because they have bodies lining the hallways and they are way over capacity”. Told her I couldn’t believe she was going. She just said “you’ll be missed”.

I’m pretty close to breaking at this point. I hate this fucking country so much.


It hopefully will be a lot easier to convince our parents to hold out for a vaccine when we’re not on a pace for getting everyone vaccinated in 10 years. That’s been really disheartening so far.



All the hospitals/doctor’s offices/etc. in my area generally forbid any extra people coming along with patients of any kind for any reason (there are rare exceptions – kids, demented people, etc.). Isn’t that pretty much standard these days? The idea is to keep traffic down and prevent COVID spread. Best you could do is have your spouse wait in the car. In case there are any spare doses, they would be available.