COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Well yeah - come late in the day and just hang around in case they have extra doses I guess.

they probably will, hospital employees are about the same as the general population in vaccine beliefs

Fucking Covid just closed the Swingers coffee shop where Vince Vaughan stood on the table and said Mikey’s all grows up and he’s all grows up and he’s all grows up. This sucks ass.

My ex lives near there. The first time we went I was like holy shit this is the Swingers cafe. I love Hollywood like that. Rarely a dull moment.

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We stopped by a restaurant to pick up a takeout order on the way home from the park today, and I was sitting with my 4-year-old while her mom went in to grab our food. While we were waiting, she saw that there were a bunch of people eating in the restaurant, and she got alarmed and asked “What are all those people doing in there? They know we’re being germ-busters, right??” So I had the fun experience of explaining to her that while she’s been unable to see her friends or go to the aquarium or do anything else she enjoys for 20% of her entire life, lots of people actually just go out and do whatever the fuck they want.


That’s not what give you the extra doses. The pfizer vials have 5 doses per vial. Once you pierce the vial it has to be used in a few hours. So if the number of shots you have to give is not divisible by 5, you’ll have a few extras.

Same thing with Moderna, but that comes in 10/vial.

Yep we’ve had the same convo with our kids, shit sucks man. I literally tell mine well those people are idiots.


I’m praying for a nomination:


Learning that most adults are fucking idiots is an essential lesson for young people. Nothing wrong with getting that wisdom hammered into them.


First driving lesson for me was assume all drivers around you are going to make the dumbest possible decisions at the soonest opportunity.


Never too early to learn humans are dumb and suck. Saves a lot of disappointment down the road.

Not buying the Covid causing pharmacy work to go up.

In fact I know since Covid started, CVS, for example, started offering free home delivery (usps like 1-2days ). Absolutely less taxing to fill those orders than it is when they are all people waiting in line.

Plus the pharmacy industry had been trash for a while. The big chains dominate, pay crap and over work their employees. All of this happened long before Covid.

Also Covid is real mr. Santos , the fact that you don’t care about that guarantees I don’t care about what kind of heat you get.

Gosh darn it i got ponied hard.

She was so vital to the pharmacy that they snap fired her for going to a party.


Ms Godlee said the paper’s report was “seriously misleading and requires urgent correction”.

She said the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) does not make any recommendation to mix and match.



Huh. He put it on…

Instagram. Himself.

Kind of like issuing a press release.

Any idea what an “air powered” costume is?

The committee is struggling here. The simple act is worthy of a nomination but those infected weren’t doing anything stupid and are doing good works.

The perp was apparently not sick so no chance to WINNAR anyhow.

Final decision. No

The 12 week gap seems to be the most controversial element of the UK vaccine programme but is supported by evidence from the Oxford trials, where second dose was given 2 - 24 weeks after first dose. Zero severe cases were evidenced after initial dose. Protection offered by first dose only started to fade after 12 week period. Also, Oxford is the only vaccine trial to check for transmissibility post vaccine - indicators there are ‘good’.

With all areas in UK now confirmed infected with superCOVID, it seems to make sense to vaccinate as many as possible, based on the trial findings and the real need to limit spread so hospitals can cope.

I suspect other countries will follow the UK lead and apply similar long gaps between doses of Oxford - India for example

The jab, which is known as Covishield in India, is administered in two doses given between four and 12 weeks apart. It can be safely stored at temperatures of 2C to 8C, about the same as a domestic fridge, and can be delivered in existing health care settings such as doctors’ surgeries.

Also, I don’t believe that any pharmacist in this country has been working 12 hour shifts every day for nine months straight. If she was, she wouldn’t be fired over a stupid Mar a Lago photo.

We’d have 500,000 more vunerable people protected against severe outcomes and maybe 500,000 less spreaders?

Sure but the unpublished evidence from the Oxford manufacturer would indicate you’d be putting another potential spreader’s life at risk for up to 9 weeks by doing so.

I don’t know whether this approach is the best but it seems the most equitable