COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I already do grocery delivery or curbside, but anyone who is going into the store should probably stop if the virus gets more contagious. I do go to a small butcher shop occasionally—may stop that if superCOVID becomes common. Visiting grandparents, even if everyone quarantines in advance, might also need to stop.

I was reading about this last night. Apparently (not sure if this is random chance or not), one of the mutations in the superCOVID strain overlaps with one of the sequences used for the PCR test, so you don’t need to sequence the viral genome to detect it. There’s a neat animated map of the anomalous test rate by state here:

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He’s always come across to me as a bit of a deep state conspiracy freak. But mild now compared to what we are seeing across the population.

That Woburn/Wilmington area has had high rates of covid all the way back to March. Apparantly never going to learn.

I’m not sure why people assume rank and file nurses are like hardcore scientists

people also make really weird assumptions about doctors in this regard, most medicine at the retail level is basically folk wisdom, “I learned to treat X by doing Y in residency 25 years ago, I’m the doctor so you can’t question that” etc


You appear to be brain dead making these posts one after another about how various people and systems aren’t taking the pandemic seriously.

Making fun of the working pilot on your flight for calling it just another virus when you are there voluntarily?

Bemoaning the lack of testing on the Costa Rica trip that you took voluntarily?

Calling yourself in the top 20 percent of safety in the forum when you’re the number two superspreader next to Cactus?

Crowdsourcing opinions about a 2p2 poster who got it from a grocery store when you’re traveling internationally?

Saying you “don’t plan to get it” when you don’t even know whether you picked it up during your international travel?



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Is flying that dangerous? Supposedly there’s data showing it isn’t. Supposedly flight attendants are not getting it more than the general population. Maybe it seems like it would be more dangerous than grocery shopping, but maybe it isn’t.

That’s a curious quote, because his actual manuscript says this:

We observe a small but statistically significant shift towards under 20s being more affected by the VOC than non-VOC variants (Figure 4), even after controlling for variation by week and region. However, as with our earlier results, this observation does not resolve the mechanism that might underlie these differences. Differences between the age-distributions of VOC and non-VOC community cases may result from the overall increase in transmissibility of the VOC (especially during a time where lockdown was in force but schools were open), increased susceptibility of under 20s, or more apparent symptoms (and thus a propensity to seek testing)for the VOC in that age range.

Mostly same here. I could shop less and wear n95 masks though.

Limiting exposure time does not prevent you from getting covid. Wearing a mask does not prevent you from getting covid. These things lower your odds of getting covid. Exposure viral load may be correlated with disease severity and it may not be. Even if it has some impact on severity it is a weak input compared to everything else. Someone somewhere will pickup takeout wearing a mask and die from covid. If shuffle’s story changes the way you think about covid then you haven’t had the correct mindset to begin with.


Front page of the LA Times site is :cry:


If it’s remotely easy for a customer to get covid at a grocery store, shouldn’t grocery store workers dropping like flies? A customer spends 30 minutes a week in a store on average? An employee spends 40 hours/week. So 80x that = a couple orders of magnitude more risk.


Ok yeah I guess it’s happening. That article just came out. Shuffle did say he went to a Ralph’s which seems to be the worst offender.

They are dropping like flies.

Ponied I guess

Fa la la la la, la la la la!

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My area (Redondo Beach) has a very low 14-day case rate per 100x (434) compared to other parts of LA (some are over 3000). So that’s helping with the grocery store risk in my area I guess.

I’m actually surprised that so many people are still grocery shopping in store. We stopped months ago. In addition to Amazon, Walmart and now Target, all the grocery stores in my area are doing curbside pickup.