COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is that shine?

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I asked a long time friend who is a nurse if she was getting the vaccine and this was the reply

ā€œIā€™m anti this vaccine. there is no way Iā€™m getting that shit when no one knows the side effects long term. Fuck that. I clean my hands, wear a mask and social distance. Thatā€™s all the vaccine I need. I donā€™t even get the flu vaccine.ā€

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Thereā€™s a huge doctor/nurse split in flu vaccine numbers too.

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Can confirm a lot of my wifeā€™s nursing co-workers are shocking anti-science morons only doing it because they make more $$$than the alternative.


Your place is a little more rustic/countrified than I expected.

Also regular Bud Light not pisswatery enough for you?

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From a selfish POV if youā€™re young and healthy it sort of makes sense to refuse the vaccine. So I guess itā€™s not surprising so many are refusing.

I have non-zero sympathy for people who know damn well the govt liest to us all the time but arenā€™t on the ball enough to know which times the govt probably isnā€™t lying to us. The at-risk people refusing though are supreme morons.

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10 days of talking to another human being then going straight back into shutin life is a tough transition.

Iā€™m finding Hoda and Jenna surprisingly comforting right now.

It makes zero sense at all if you are mentally part of this timeline. If you live in a fantasy land where covid is a hoax, then sure I guess it makes sense given your delusions.


ā€œIf you are anti-vaccine, how do you envision this pandemic ever ending? Do you not want life to ever return to pre-Covid times, say in the next 10 years? Thatā€™s a terribly bleak worldview that shows a total disregard for the health and happiness of hundreds of millions of people.ā€

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The whole anti-vaxx movement is basically counting on others to do the dirty work for you - even though they tell themselves itā€™s for other reasons.

People donā€™t understand what vaccines are and arenā€™t capable of doing long term. Plan A for these people is donā€™t get it. Plan B is theyā€™ll probably be ok anyway if they do get it. To them getting vaxxed feels like skipping straight to Plan B.

Wouldnā€™t covid end just like 1918 ended? After 3 years everyone has died or gotten sick enough that it just becomes a normal strain of flu when they catch it the next time. At least I think thatā€™s what happened with the 1918 strain?

When do we get the trip report?

Itā€™s in the Nashville bombing thread ldo.

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I know you know this so this is not directed at you ā€¦

We currently have tens of millions of people out of work, businesses closed and/or going under soon, people cannot pay their rent, people cannot feed their families, schools are closed, where I live (California) people are under a ā€œstay at homeā€ order, etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, this is an untenable and unsustainable situation. And (sans vaccine) will likely get worse before it gets better. If the ā€œsolutionā€ is to let millions die and society reaches ā€œherd immunityā€, count me out. There is no way we can tolerate this for three more years.


Eventually, but no guarantee on the timescale. Some past plagues lasted 20 years.

Also, to the above, yes the bandaids are untenable for much longer. They are untenable now in a lot of ways. Iā€™m in a well off area and the food pantry is drowning. Back rent is piling up, these bills are delayed not cancelled. If there is not a hospitality industry medium term, what happens to the ā€œlower-skilledā€ workforce?

Basically the post pandemic USA is going to be much more unequal with less income mobility and a smaller safety net than pre pandemic USA. Every day the pandemic extends the worse it is going to be on the other side, and the sane Americans have at least another year of highly restricted life to get to this awful other side. It is super depressing.


Iā€™ve been banging this drum since the very beginning. There are going to be so many who turn it down, that it will be offered to all sooner than expected. I projected late March, but it might be even earlier in France if all they could find is 100 people in the first 3 days.

Hmm ā€œVaccines are for Winnersā€ Campaign. If you didnā€™t vote for the winner in the presidential election you can not get it.

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I think the ā€œsolutionā€ is going to be everyone who wants to get a vaccine gets one (so we need univeral access for a few months) and then we return to normal. Unvaccinated people roll the dice and deal with the consequences.

That would almost be a perfectly fair solution except for problems Iā€™ve pointed out earlier:
-People who canā€™t get it for medical reasons
-Surrogate decision makers who opt out for others (demented/incompetent people, kids when vaccine is approved for them).
-People who get vaccinated without attaining immunity
-Probably some others that Iā€™m just not thinking of at the moment.

Thatā€™s the best we can do. Itā€™s unfortunate, but I have come to accept it.


What the heck is going on in nursing schools?

Iā€™m not arguing with you at all. Iā€™m just saying I think thatā€™s what would happen sans vaccine.