COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Presumably most people who have already gotten reasonably sick will get less sick the second, third, fourth times around.

I have lowered expectations.

I donā€™t disagree. Just thinking out loud on how to get into arms.
Maybe charging $2,000 a shot would start a feeding Frenzy. The rich are going to get it first somehow anyways, might as fill treasury coffers vs the black market

^not serious

The way this all started, and the way all these hyper-deadly flus that occasionally show up start, is that someone gets bitten by a goose or a pangolin or whatever thatā€™s infected by an enterprising, mutated goose/pangolin/whatever virus that has somehow figured out how to infect humans (even though humans are not all that similar to pangolins). Thatā€™s why people are always talking about how we should close down these wet markets to limit interactions, how you should speak soothingly around pangolins, etc. Even though itā€™s very hard for pangolin viruses to sicken people, and most people never see pangolins, weā€™ve still got millions dead from a pangolin virus.

In a world of 50% vaccination uptake, weā€™re all living in a world where weā€™re constantly interacting with these pangolin-virus reservoirs, even if we never see a pangolin. And to make it worse, the virus is already pre-mutated form its native state to effective attack humans. It just needs to overcome the sole hurdle of vaccine antibodies.

More people would want to get the vaccine if we made it expensive and exclusive.

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I donā€™t know why you think that I think that the vaccine rollout it going to be great. Iā€™ve never said it would be. If I were rating it on a scale of 1 to 100, I think it might be about a 20.

There are two things that I am saying though.

  1. People opting out is not going to somehow make things less efficient. Not showing up for appointments is not the same as opting out. Those are two entirely different problems. Do you think people who opt out are going to make an appointment and then not show? Of course not. Theyā€™re just not going to make an appointment.

  2. Waste from pierced vials is not going to be the downfall of this effort. There will be some waste. You always get some with multidose vials. And sure there will be one-offs like the guy posted above. That is not where this thing is going to fall apart. The problem is that there is no good system to give a ton of people these shots. Thatā€™s where we will fail. Some unused doses left in multidoses vials will be the least of our problems.

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It should be like the draft. Everyone gets a number, and when your number comes up, you report in for the shot or you get taken to jail. Itā€™s not complicated.


These will make you feel better.



Should be charged with something for this

Soooo just hoard the anti vaxxers into FEMA cult withdrawal camps?

Drink every time bobman says Pangolin


Whatā€™s the # of people outa 500 that would die? 1 or 2? Manslaughter has a nice ring to it .


Iā€™m starting to think weā€™ll be lucky if 40% of the population gets vaccinated. Yesterday I asked my infusion nurse if he was able to get it or schedule it yet. This is a nurse who works in an oncology suite. His only patients are undergoing cancer treatment or autoimmune disease treatment. Probably 100% of them are immunocompromised. He said heā€™s not sure if heā€™s getting it, and leaning towards no, because he and his wife want to have kids some day and theyā€™re not sure if itā€™s safe. JFC WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU FUCKING IDIOT? I tried to nicely show my disgust and then asked if I could take his spot since we share a first name so I could say Iā€™m him and Iā€™m not an idiot.


Well France is certainly learning from vaccination troubles elsewhere. The government says itā€™s being cautious and privileging pedagogy to make sure sceptics are kept on board. (Willingness to get the vaccine is around 40% here if you believe newspaper polls). The result, 100 people vaccinated in the first 3 days! Iā€™m not going to do the maths on that speed of rollout, but I doubt it will cut it.

What are the odds 2 people named Coaster work together


It really sucks too because his Enron book was like the best thing Iā€™ve ever read and now Iā€™m all fuck was it all bullshit?

Many nurses areā€¦not very smart.

same energy