COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Not to mention the free 100B of taxpayer money or whatever.

When a significant % of front line workers who have seen first hand the ravages of Covid wonā€™t get it we are never getting the truck driving Busch light drinking crowd to get it. Iā€™ve thought since the beginning the vaccine was never going to solve it because a lot of people wonā€™t get it.

Here in Oklahoma apparently the way you can cut the line is just call every place imaginable and ask to get it. Iā€™ve had multiple people tell me they got their grandparents or parents shots this way. I talked to my wife last night if we wanted to try and do this for our elderly relatives including our parents and we both realized it was futile because they are all skeptical and wonā€™t get it. My dad has a PhD and my mom is college educated and they say they arenā€™t getting it because it was made out of aborted fetuses. That apparently is spreading through the right wing channels like wildfire right now.

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I didnā€™t mean you obviously. I meant the toy trucks white supremacists love not semis. Apologies if it came across that way.


The future where half the country doesnt get vaccinated is so grim and depressing that I dont even know if I can spend time thinking about it, never mind living through it.

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Call me a fair-weather fan, but I am officially done with humanity. Iā€™m on Team COVID now, 100%. You expect ups and downs and I can deal with those, but this is a team that just fundamentally does not want to win, does not care about its fans, does not care about its players, has no strategy, itā€™s frankly an embarrassment, and I canā€™t watch it any more.


I can live with that, so long as I am in the half that does get vaccinated.


On the other hand, there are still die-hard Jets fans.


Maybe there will be some peer pressure element with these reluctant healthcare workers after their coworkers have gotten the vaccine and show no ill effects for 3-6 months or something.

Even though by then the study participants would have gone through a much longer period of time, people are dumb and donā€™t trust/grasp that. Seeing their coworkers get it and be fine may be different. Eventually.

You work in the financial sector, if my memory of the infamous LG v wil salary bet is right?

You could probably get a job in London or Toronto if you wanted to leave.

This. The second everyone who wants one gets a vaccination, then we can amp up the pressure on the rest.

Also none of these stories seem to break down how many people refused the vaccination because they already got covid. My friend is in that group - not a healthcare worker - but said sheā€™s not in any hurry to get vaccinated. I didnā€™t have the heart to argue with her.

But sheā€™s also in the group that if she sees a bunch of people she knows get the vaccination and be fine after 6 months, sheā€™ll probably be ok with getting it. I tried to explain to her how clinical trials work but it didnā€™t seem to sink in.

What if the vaccine wears off? Or the virus mutates to evade the vaccine? Even in ideal circumstances, the vaccines arenā€™t 100% effective. Iā€™m not sure if the biology behind a 95% protection rate is that 5% of people get no immunity while 95% get perfect immunity or if everyone gets a level of immunity that protects them from 95% of exposures (oversimplified, obviously). If itā€™s something like the latter, everyoneā€™s fucked in a world of endemic COVID, because weā€™ll all be swimming in virus particles every time we leave our homes.

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Thanks for that explanation.

Iā€™ve made a lick on the Jets recently. Their last 7
2 kicks in the nuts
2 wins
2 losses <6
and well a W against the raiders that they opted out of on the last play. The have improved and play hard. Iā€™ve pounded them this week against whatā€™s left of the Patriots .

F f f f f

This has always been the case your entire life, if it makes you feel any better.

Iā€™m confused and started my day drinking so please be patient lol. If sane people all get jabbed, why do we care if the rest sicken or kill each other ?


Yes, itā€™s bad for everyone if USA#1 becomes a reservoir for COVID to stew and mutate.

  1. Vaccine wonā€™t be 100% effective for those who get it
  2. Some who want to get vaccinated wonā€™t be able to because of other health problems