COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

it probably does… but you wouldn’t pierce all of them at once

Each moderna vial has ten doses. Once the moderna vial is punctured (for one dose) it should be used within six hours.

Yea it was more a matter of they finished their 62 people that showed up and have a partial vial left and they are done for the day. Now what?

Well assuming non-idiots are running things you should never have >9 wasted doses of Moderna vaccine per day per site. It doesn’t matter if you are vaccinating one person or thousands.

Edit: Apparently Pfizer’s are 5 doses/vial, which means max waste on those should be 4 doses/day/site.

They scheduled 80 and only 62 showed up so I’m assuming they wasted 8 doses today or they were given to someone that wasn’t scheduled. To be perfectly honest, it was presented to my wife as, it’s possible if this happens again you might be able to spur of the moment get a vaccine. I was trying to decipher if this was legit or they were just trying to sneak us a vaccine. And what the ethical considerations are. I guess hopefully they realize pretty quickly they need a standby list. I think they just started administering yesterday or today here.

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The potential problem with this solution is that at least right now, everyone who gets dose one is more or less guaranteed to have dose 2 waiting for them. So you might think, in theory, only the very same 62 people should turn up in 3 weeks time, leaving the same excess vaccine. But at that point, there will be some people getting their very first dose (who are in the appropriate risk category). If there are like 108 of those people, then there is no extra to give a standby their second dose.

There are of course ways to address this, but it’s not as simple as just finding 8 people so we don’t waste a few doses.

Anything in multi-dose vials is assumed to have the potential for a bit of waste. That is the nature of multidose vials. It’s cheaper to do that than to have single dose vials with no waste.

Given the way this is being done, I don’t think I could blame anyone for getting vaccinated at any opportunity, unless it involved bribery or something. If I thought a pharmacy was just throwing some vaccine away I would go for it, but I would probably also see if I could hook up my elderly neighbors first. I would also worry/wonder whether it would be a struggle to get the second dose when that time comes.

It would have been a great reply if she actually referred to what Drew Dixon was pondering. Unfortunately it’s a reply to this:

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Lol “be smart”

If you show up to the game you are already not being smart

In that case I would like to change my vote to Ginger.


Stolen from elsewhere:

2020, 24 hours to go!
I wanna be vaccinated!
Nothing to do, nowhere to go…
I wanna be vaccinated!
So hurry, hurry, hurry before I go insane…


It’s funny. I was more nervous about getting covid in the US than the CR.

Now I’m going back to the CR and its 48% positive rate hoping that everything ends up being all right.

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Do you think they did the same rigorous testing that was done for other vaccines?

It was accelerated obviously. Some steps were done concurrently with the testing stages.

My point still stands though. They go through way more scrutiny than typical meds.

Yeah, it couldn’t be that they have such few cases because they have the lockdowns? That connection would be too much for the author to make.


Over 3,000 people died of COVID in the U.S. today. Millions on the brink financially.

Meanwhile, Ted Cruz:


Paging Dick Cheney


Is there anyone who actually believes Ted Cruz is an outdoorsman? There can’t be, right?


7-8 quail in a day is a pretty mediocre haul from my understanding (never hunted).

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You do, they’re called Sinn Fein.

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