COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The other thing I worry about is a lot of my wife’s work friends are now posting they are pozzed post-dose 1. I know I took some flack for reporting the first one a week ago or so. Even people here who should know I am not anti-vax jumped me assuming I was saying the vaccine gave it to them when I was simply pointing out that you (of course) can still get pozzed shortly after dose 1. While I just assume they let their guard down, the average moron who sees that news on social media thinks the nurses got pozzed by the vax for sure. I mean how many idiots think they got the flu from the flu vax, a lot.

We are going to all hear tons of those stories over the next few months and the anti-vax I TOLD YA SOS are going to be deafening.


I don’t think this got posted and likely is under the radar for most folks since it’s an original Seattle Times story. They interviewed Trevor Bedford about the new strains:

A Q&A about the new coronavirus variant with the Fred Hutch scientist who’s been tracking its spread

The interview questions cover a fair amount of ground topic-wise, so it’s hard to summarize, but one Q&A that surprised me (caveat that I haven’t been paying much attention to the details on the new variants) [bolding in answer added by me].

Q: Will we have to change our behavior and do things differently to prevent the spread of the new variant?

A: If you look at the U.K. data, when you compare the wild type virus to the variant virus, people infected with the variant have 10 to a hundred times higher viral loads on average.

So people who are infected by the variant will be breathing out more virus than someone infected by the wild type. Public Health England had a really good … case-controlled study where they showed that for individuals infected with the wild type, 10% of their contacts ended up with COVID, whereas individuals with the variant had about 15% of their contacts ending up with COVID.

I read that the community has like 12K residents, so I asked my folks how they managed to be among the 300 to get it. Basically sounds like what you’d expect from radio prize giveaway… hope you see your governor on TV near you and be among the first callers!

So yeah, I’m sure this rollout is gonna go great…

Serendipity. Friends saw newspaper article about Palm Beach County vaccine and another person told mom to look at tv, the governor was on tv at our clubhouse this morning. I saw that on tv and called the office; got appointments for 10:30 am. Word travelled by “mouth” but only 300 doses available today. Got email later today that 500 more available tomorrow. Governors office apparently decided this last night.

This whole USA oblivious to super strain literally exactly a year after we were oblivious to Covid 1.0 is really creepy tbh.


The local school district just announced they will go back to full 5 days a week in person schooling starting 1/4. Shut things down, things get worse, ah fuck it lets open back up anyway, in the face of an impending Christmas tsunami. Fucking morons.


I’m not getting how the efficiency is dragged down. For something like a nursing home it’s not to hard to get a head count of who wants it. In other systems, the people who want vaccine are the ones who make appointments or actually show up to get it. That’s easy enough to count and with up to 30 days (in the case of moderna) to work with, you don’t have to be that accurate in your counts to avoid waste.

For example if I’m a CVS, I know how many shots I can possibly give in a day given space and staff. I just need that much on hand for the first several days and after that I can always make adjustments to future orders depending on how things look.

If people opting out does slow down efficiency, the magnitude of that effect is probably not that large.

Question. Is it possible that someone was positive, and three weeks later comes back to work still with a constant cough and not be contagious?

My friend at work has this situation. A girl came back from being positive and still had a constant cough but said her doctor cleared her for not being contagious anymore. Sounds like bullshit to me

she’d be fine under cdc guidelines

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Is she fine though? I dont trust the CDC anymore and my friend has comorbidities

I think part of the problem (but not the entire problem) is that if you terminated all nurses that didn’t want the vaccine, there wouldn’t be enough nurses to take care of people and you would have deaths from inadequate care.

haven’t seen anything to the contrary

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I cough for a good six weeks after I have a regular cold. I’m quite certain I’m not infectious at that point. I’ve actually seen a couple of specialists for this (since it is annoying AF) and I’m told that having a lingering post-viral cough is not that uncommon. If I get COVID, I’m sure I’m a lock for cough for weeks after I’m infectious.


That Christian singer attends Bethel Church in Redding, CA. The leaders of the church and most all of the congregation believe in modern day miracles, laying of hands, talking in tongues. It’s part of what is sometimes called the “charismatic movement”. Which boils down to…well if all these wacky things are documented in the Bible, the only reason that we still don’t witness these things happening today is that we aren’t believing hard enough.

I loved one of mine attended a week long seminar there a few years ago, and came back from it even more detached from reality than before.


Ok cool thank you. She was freaking out but she needs the money so couldnt really leave.

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CA is legit terrifying. I’m afraid to go to the store now. My area is 25% positive rate


22% in norcal per the emails I get

I’ve had this thought kicking around my head that part of the problem is that tv shows and movies based on pandemics always made them so obvious. Where getting the disease is a death sentence and the deaths and illness are always violent and awful.

So with that being the only knowledge of what a pandemic looks like, people just can’t grasp that this is serious because it looks nothing like what they saw in the movies. So it must just be a bad flu or cold and no big deal. Most people just don’t have the mental capacity to understand nuance or things that look different than what they’ve already known and experienced in real life or through media.


Does anyone know what the shelf life of a vial is once it’s opened? I heard a rumor that people are not showing up for vaccination appointments at our local health department and that once the vials are opened they can’t re-refrigerate them and they only last 6 hours. This is the Moderna vaccine. It probably doesn’t matter much in most places but I’m in a very rural area with assumingly very low willingness to take the vaccine. Supposedly today they had 80 appointments and only 62 showed up.

moderna doesn’t require special refrigeration though… just… leave it in a fridge?

Yea I was just trying to decipher if this rumor made sense. I didn’t know if once a vial was pierced if that changed things.