COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Thanks for the replies.

FWIW, Andy Slavitt has a thread on twitter that suggests that we need to explore moving to a one dose first for everyone model rather than our current strategy.

His scientist sources suggest the South African mutation involves a change to the spike protein that somehow still binds to the Ace-2 cell (he’s not a science expert and asks if someone can explain this better, to please do so, I cant even tell if this makes sense) and they are telling him it is likely to reduce the effectiveness of current vaccines.

Im not a medical expert obviously, and he isn’t either (nor does he pretend to be one) although he at least has access to real experts. But I found it noteworthy that a non right-wing quack suggested we need to explore this move to a one shot approach and also seemed to have more concern about this South African strain than I had heard before. Had seemed to me like a very bad idea for all the reasons mentioned ITT, but seems like we might not be getting such a clean vaccine out for 2021 as we hoped for a month ago

This is what I fear most from the UK’s strategy of trying to get an initial dose to as many as possible but leaving it 12 weeks for the second dose.

This government has never understood the people here and how they’re likely to behave because they’re from the ruling class, are privately educated and are clueless.

Rules and laws are things that other people have to follow but ffs we’ve just seen news reports of hundreds of Brits partying on Christmas Day near Bondi beach in Oz, and lockdown rules are regularly flaunted here.

Even this weekend the local park saw several groups of six or more people despite lockdown rules capping it at two.


Right now, I think all this talk is premature. We can’t even get the vaccines we do have in people’s arms.

It’s fine to think about this, but I wouldn’t move to implementation until the problem is actually not enough doses to go around. Right now we are getting the shots done so slowly that it is buying time for increased production.

Listening to my normally informed and intelligent family members opting against getting the vaccine is super-depressing.

I tried explaining but the misinformation and the near paranoia of long-term consequences is stopping them

This misinformation that prevents people from getting it is gonna blunt the impact of the vaccine big time. Hell my sister can get starting next week. When she said she was gonna decline it, I asked if I could take her place

Are med professionals declining because the timeline for development was so short and / or the Trump admin meddled in the process.

I have both of those in back of mind but I believe A the risk Is very small regardless B it’s a citizen duty to help stop the virus.

Come on down, fucko


My sisters haven’t brought up anything Trump-related. To them they fear the unknown long-term effects.

For me, I know how thoroughly vaccines are tested compared to other meds. I feel an obligation to protect those around me and a super slim chance of something bad happening is worth it. After all the chances of me getting covid and dying are probably way higher than any long-term consequences occurring from the vaccine.

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Keynote speaker Tebow. Ugh. How long until he runs?

Not that this changes my opinion of him, but I seem to remember that Dr. Drew walked back his idiotic COVID stance long before getting pozzed. Is that not the case?

He did, but he also threw in he was glad to test positive for COVID because otherwise he must have leukemia based on his symptoms

D2 football player died in Cali, but they weren’t playing then.

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The problem with this is the system is nearly capable of injecting the people who are next up. Having a bunch of people opt out is going to drag the efficiency down even further.

Yeah seems a no brainer. I don’t employ anyone atm besides myself but if I did, I would require vaccinations after a certain date to continue employment and I don’t care what the business did.

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If I got Covid from a nurse in a hospital that passed on the vaccine the oblivion would absolutely be sued.

The position on this can’t be “Well they won’t do it” shrug their shoulders and move on. I know some nurses who are debating not getting it.

I don’t want any nurses who think not getting the vaccine is a sound medical decision. I am not interested in putting my medical well being into their hands. And I love nurses and have had the unfortunate pleasure of a lot of direct experience with them in a hospital setting as a patient. I think their jobs are often extremely difficult for a lot of reasons… but I am not going to spend five seconds struggling with this dilemma.

I am not sure how being required to be up to date on all requisite vaccines is not an absolute requirement of employment even before now.


Points out a lot of the issues with the kid studies.

Bottom line schools are not safer than staying home. They contribute to spread. Maybe the same, maybe less than some other activities.


We have two separate problems in the US that I don’t see really being solved anytime soon

  1. If everyone could go into their local pharmacy and get a free shot this week with no wait what percentage would go? 50%? 60%? It may not even be that. Lot’s of non MAGA folk seem skeptical. That isn’t going to cut it.

  2. The federal government is still run by incompetent buffoons for the next 3 weeks. After that the Biden admin will have to clean up the mess and also implement a functional plan. Whether or not they are capable is up in the air. State governments are roughly 50/50 on either being Gavin Newsom hypocritical fuckwads or full blown right wing insane asylums so there is probably no real solution ever coming there.

In short I don’t see how we aren’t still talking about this and dealing with it in 2022. Hope I’m wrong.


Yeah all this requires oversight and management. Having spoiled dosages and subsequent infections is very much something USA#1 can accomplish if they work this hard at it.

Cant wait until the two shot people start reporting they got sick because they got a spoiled dose or two.

Bout that Jesus draft pick


You’d think the top line would be deceptive but that’s just what this opinion piece says