COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

This is not appropriate.


Not bad.

Christ, we just got him to settle down, don’t start this up again.

I took that as a joke.

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Did you get him to settle down by apologizing?

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Beyond being an obvious joke at an obvious troll job sure. Discussion quality has plummeted in this thread and it’s been extremely annoying though. Apologies.

No, we all moved on and you’re not helping with this.

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Seems like they’ll just add a question onto the paperwork about “Have you been diagnosed with watchmacallit?” and hopefully catch a few of these people and redirect them to another vaccine.

ehhhh I think they’re referencing HIT here (heparin induced thrombocytopenia). Problem is that I doubt most people in this age group have been exposed to heparin. On top of that, it’s the kind of diagnosis that doesn’t really have a lot of patient input. It’s usually diagnosed off changes in lab values and then your anticoagulation meds get changed or stopped. Most patients probably never even know.

*not sure about HIT part, but it’s the part that makes sense to me. This is inpatient medicine stuff, which I don’t typically do.

Not sure what the best play here is.

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Oh shit - we may be close to Deplorables demanding J&J in defiance of the CDC (who they’re sure is in league with Bill Gates on the 5G conspiracy). Once time please.


The assumption that people who have been lied to can have ‘freedom’ is pretty damaging. If you’ve been lied to and you act on those lies there’s nothing freely chosen about what you did.


Yeah, this could actually be a path forward toward getting the Trumpers to get vaccinated.

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Send Fauci out, double masked, on Fox to caution use of JnJ.


Nah, you don’t get to just call Johnny an Alex Joneser and me forget about it because people came to some understanding on smear transmission.


What is the relative caseloads of U40 vs. older Brazilians and how has that been changing? I havent been able to find a good breakdown. The best variant breakdown I saw, buried I believe in a Feigl-Ding thread but that guy tweets like 900 times a day so I cant find it now, had the estimated hospitalization rate like 2.5x higher for U40 than the common 2020 strain. Which isnt good, but sort of not as disastrous/deadly as some of the headlines like this as still was very low risk for individual U40s (obviously for society more transmission worse than more individual severity, so not trying to downplay)

You really make good use of the pass you get from posters on the other site

What won’t you use to smear people you disagree with? Misogynist, trump supporter, Alex Jones. I hope you catch one in the grill one of these days