COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

20 posts were merged into an existing topic: More Forum Drama

Interesting data on variants in NYC

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Correct. You and I do not appear to be on opposite sides of this issue.

There’s the catch. The only breakdown we have is from South America, say Brazil, Chile or Uruguay and no-one here would give it any weight even if these countries could actually measure it anyway.

US will be the best test yet. UK surge testing any sign of Brazil or South Africa variants, US at least tracking them now

A post was merged into an existing topic: More Forum Drama

Shipping some of this over to French BBV.


Subject changer…

How are MI’s cases these days? Are they one of the few US states showing an increase as they are more diligent with the testing?

Covid hitting hard, not a case of better testing

Do you think MI should ‘lockdown’ in light of the arse kicking they are getting from (hopefully) the UK strain? I.e UK is ‘better’ than Brazil and South Africa variants

I think the whole country should be locked down still so yeah


I read that as humor designed to get a laugh, not as a real dig.


Honestly not sure what the CDC’s recommendation is on that. Regardless, it’s not politically plausible so it’s irrelevant. Also have a strong argument for why (cliffs: it reduces overrun).

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CDC were today recommending MI close (the wallen lady if she is cdc)

That’s what I think, but I’m not sure. Haven’t looked at them precisely.


CDC chief says shutdowns could curb cases

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said late last week that while the state is making progress in its vaccinations – and repeatedly hitting more than 100,000 doses administered in a day – the variants won’t be contained unless vaccinations are ramped up further.

“We need additional supply of the one-shot (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine,” she said, adding that Michigan officials have regularly been in touch with federal leaders and have asked for more vaccines.

But a leading health official said Monday that’s not the best course of action for the state’s crisis.

“We know that if vaccines go in arms today, we will not see an effect of those vaccines, depending on the vaccine, for somewhere between two to six weeks,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House Covid-19 briefing.

“When you have an acute situation, an extraordinary number of cases like we have in Michigan, the answer is not necessarily to give vaccine,” she added. “In fact, we know that the vaccine will have a delayed response.”

The answer, Walensky said, is “to shut things down” and test and contact trace as much as possible.

Not sure what the point of cutting out a piece of that post to make the exact point that the post was making.

Michigan governor knew she should be locking down two weeks ago. She just doesn’t think it is viable (political death, compliance will be low, had powers stripped by courts and GOP legislature, needs more federal help) and possibly fears being assassinated.

Got second jab today at noon. Feel kinda shitty but nothing intolerable. Chills, aches, vaccine site and arm ache the most. Honestly the total lack of anxiety about how I’m feeling is making this whole experience a lot less terrible.

Also the knowledge that I’m about to be essentially set free. See I was never that social to begin with, so this gives me back nearly everything.


This is in no way related to you, Im very glad you got your shot, but just using it as a jumping off point to show how hard I think governors and other people in charge have it right now in terms of locking down.

Much of this thread is either vaccinated or about to be. This is also a very COVID compliant serious place vs. the US at large. How would everyone feel about a 4 month Euro style lockdown, as UK and others had to use to get the variants under control? Keep in mind it would be happening mostly in blue/quasi responsible states while Texas, Florida, etc lived like it was 2019 and, at least initially, probably no exceptions for vaccinated people happening as part of the lockdown.

It might be the right idea, Id obviously comply, Im in a position of enormous privilege in terms of what effects that would have on my life in the long-run…but man that would be mentally tough to take at this point. Now imagine what the median voter would think of it.

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Made it to Ohio for round 2 tomorrow.