COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

And just to try to put a tiny bit of sanity back into this discussion, this would 100% have paused the RCT if it was found during trials. Hell the J&J trial was paused due to 1 guy having a stroke.

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I mean my memory could be wrong but I sure remember reading and hearing that somewhere in the early days.

NY is allowing people who have J&J appointments today to get pfizer first dose instead. THey are not cancelling appointments.

Seems like not giving J&J to women in whatever age group this is would be the optimal play. Yā€™all really overreacted earlier in this thread imo.

In some places, sure. I know someone who was scheduled for a shot today and now canā€™t find anything until a month from now.

Apropos of nothing, the smallpox vaccine killed approximately 1 out of every million people who took it.

Are these clots identified as directly related to the vaccine?

You canā€™t say yes because this is surveillance data and not an RCT, but this is the second vaccine where this popped up. Iā€™m not convinced, but thereā€™s reason to be cautious.

I get the concerns about the anti-vax crowd, but I donā€™t think this will make much of, if any, a difference. If this ended up being a ā€œbig thingā€ and it came out that we hid it, that would be a disaster.


They havenā€™t identified the mechanism, but the type of clot is happening far more often than it should and the similar AZ vaccine had similar issues.

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All children K-12 back to in-person school 5 days a week for the last 2 months in my part of non-NYC New York State that had previously been pretty tightly locked down (for American standards). 3% positive test rate and ~30 new daily cases per 100k in population on the 7-day moving average. Guess we shall see how it goes.

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I was scheduled to get J&J vax this Saturday and my gf has already called freaking out saying I need to cancel. She happily got 1st Pfizer vaccine last weekend. I told her I will still take the vaccine if the pause is lifted. The impact of headlines like these is extremely frustrating, but it wouldnā€™t be good to be hiding this information either. Itā€™s almost like incentivizing our media to first and foremost get the most possible clicks is a huge problemā€¦ :thinking:


On the news this morning they were talking about how bad this is without really explaining why and it sort of gave the impression that this is bad news because the vaccine is bad, instead of just straight up saying this is bad news because millions of morons will use this to further their anti vax beliefs.


Donā€™t know about mitigation, this is not a lab test easily available. Certainly couldnā€™t test everyone.



Theyā€™ll be mixing shots for all those ukā€™ers who have had AZ and experienced some form of clotting on first dose, under 30ā€™s with underlying conditions and any under 30ā€™s health professionals

Quit telling people they are being inappropriate. Thatā€™s like the four hundredth time. Youā€™re not the arbiter of what appropriate posting is here.


COVID kills 3 out of every million people in the United States every single day. As a crude comparison, a one-day pause in vaccinations will kill 3 people for every person it saves from getting a blood clot.

Necessary for the tiny number of people who get blood clots, but you mean under 30s who had AZ will be given a different vaccine for shot 2? I donā€™t see how that will work. Where did you read this?

Let me check that and come back to you - Iā€™m on a staycation so testing the moby app - but sure I read BBC stating all under 30ā€™s as a precaution

Hard to believe you actually said that to Johnny. You should really apologize.