COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

J&J doesn’t have to recall. They just have to rebrand.

Sick of getting ill? Tired of having covid in all those hard-to-reach places?

Try Johnson & Johnson’s deep vein thrombosis injection!


But how do we know

Welp, brother pozzed in Michigan. He probably got it from work. He’s kind of a shut in normally. 5 days from his first shot. He’s already fine.

My parents lived with him until this weekend, he moved out to a place he just bought then.

Parents just got their second moderna so they’re in good shape.


It’s not deep vein thrombosis. Brain blood clots yo. Although I suppose that’s a very specific type of dvt

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Selectively release it to doctors.

You’re assuming a baseline level of intelligence that doesn’t exist. The government has a higher burden in these sorts of areas to tread carefully.

This is where Dr. Wen > Fauci. Fauci may be medically “correct” on telling people that ~nothing changes if you’re vaccinated, but still wrong writ large when accounting for behavior.

I get why y’all are upset about it, but I’m not sure that this is so wrong. While it’s 6 in whatever big number, this is an extremely rare type of blood clot. On top of that, it’s a disease that is difficult to test for that is crazy easy to miss (you have to order a very specific type of head CT or MRI with contrast). On top of that, it seems to be focused in specific age and gender. We also have other vaccines we can give in the short term.

(also, if you’re arguing against germ theory applying to children you’re just wrong, jhmfc)


The perils of a 150 IQ and zero common sense: idiot savants.

What’s next, a license to make toast in my damn toaster!


Got my second shot at CVS today. It was much less crowded than 3 weeks ago. This time I was able to get my shot immediately after checking in, and they had two nurses giving shots instead of one. Maybe 6 more people got shots during my 15 minute waiting period. They seemed to be operating at less than full capacity, although I don’t know how many doses they have in stock.


To be remotely helpful you need to release it to ~all ER docs, which has the same effect as releasing it to the public with the added bonus of “the government is trying to hide this super serious side effect”.


Apparently Elizabeth Warren is like the people in black and white in infomercials who can’t complete a simple kitchen task with a standard device.

lol jailing black people because they have concerns from this countries history, i guess it would be on brand for the US but you have to be insane thinking that’s a good idea

and lmaoooo just read further and saw how differently you treated 1 and 2, jfc


The same ER DOCS that get the vapors every time a HIIPA violation is whispered? If they leak it then fire them. Confidentially is far more important than disclosure. The patient outcome is worse if the information is released. It is much much more harmful to release this info publicly than like our troop positions in Iraq.

6 months seems steep.

Also aren’t jails the worst place for unvaccinated?

And yeah 6 is a small number, but this is a case of 6 found instances of something that is rarely looked for. There are more of these out there. CVTs are not only more common women, but children and adolescents as well.

Lol there is no chance you could convince every hospital system in the USA to fire docs for sharing legitimate medical concerns with the media. Several hospital systems would straight up make public announcements themselves. Also, sharing case report data doesn’t violate HIPPA.

Ok now I’m pissed, what are you talking about here? First off, HIPAA has nothing to do with this.

Also ‘the vapors’? ER docs work around HIPAA more than just about any other specialty (there’s a pretty broad emergent exception that we make use of) amongst ourselves.

Good luck releasing it to 10s of thousands of people, educating them on it, and having it not pop out. That’s just dumb. What’s the doctor supposed to do when an ER doc orders an MRV, not tell the tech, nurse, or patient what they’re looking for?

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You make good points. I suppose the answer is to just not tell them. Pausing vaccines is out of the question for such a innocuous consequence.