COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Welcome to Europe, where several countries have been going back-and-forth on the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In Germany, it first was only recommended for people under 60, then it was shortly stopped for everyone due to similar blood-clot issues, now it’s only recommended for people over 60.

My mom (56) got her first shot in March (shortly before the brief stop) and now we don’t quite know which one she’ll get for the second (mid-May). She is fine with another one of AZ fwiw. :smiley:


The second shot will have to be the same as the first - you can’t mix ‘n’ match different types.

I’m in the same boat.

“It’s no biggie because we never liked the J&J vaccine anyway?” I don’t know, this seems dubious to me.

This is what I mean by we dont have a vaccination program. We just look at is as do we have enough supply, and we still are going to have enough supply, so what is the problem? But, uhhhh, yeah this is gonna have an impact on the vaccination plan, or it should if we actually had a real program.

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we had like a year to think of things that could go wrong, but i guess there were other news happening at the time. like, how do the governing bodies track problems during and after phase 3 trial, 1 out of how many cases means pause, vs 1 out of how many means stop, etc.

it would probably have helped to educate the public earlier

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yeah this is really bad because it’s a much bigger percentage of planned vaccinated people going FORWARD. this is handwaving and this tweeter (a “senior” WH correspondent for bloomberg) should be calling it out, not parroting it without context.

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That’s absurd.

Of course it’s going to have an impact, especially in hard to reach areas and populations where the storage conditions and one-shot only aspects were major positives.


This is incorrect. They’re talking about a specific type of DVT called a cerebral vein thrombosis.

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Maybe the best play is to restrict J&J for use in rural communities and hard-to-reach areas.


It hasn’t been months of distribution, it’s been one month for J&J. One factor in favor of a pause is the 1/million rate could easily go up because doses already administered could continue to pose a long term problem. Also, now every doctor and anti vaxxer is looking for clots, so more cases will turn up.

None of these are hard cases to deal with:

In case 1, make them take the vaccine or send them to jail for 6 months.
In case 2, provide some form of conscientious objector service for people with bona fide religious objections.
In case 3, states can’t issue orders blocking federal laws, so ignore them, and definitely ignore the media.

This wasnt meant to be an exhausting list of hypotheticals, just to try and support that I dont think it is trivial to force vaccination.

But even here I guess I would say

  1. The federal government jailing a person of color who doesnt want to take a vaccine for six months would be a problematic approach for me given the checkered history of America experimenting on minorities

  2. Fine, but likely not where we are headed with the current Supreme Court.

  3. Even if was OK in theory, seems sort of impractical in practice and definitely doesnt seem like something the current administration has the stomach for.


I’m not sure to laugh or get angry about your different approaches to 1 + 2.


lol already getting tagged on FB from anti-vaxxers I was arguing with thinking they win now because of this. Sigh.


In all seriousness, keep giving it to dudes and 50+ women.

The current plan seems too much like shutting down muslim immigration “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

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Salute them with the official anti-vaxxer victory trophy