COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Regardless of whether a pause is actually justified, the decision to do so should be made without concern about the effect on vaccine hesitancy. To introduce that variable into the equation would be an example of politicization of science.

Lol again. You are wrong. Itā€™s not politics. Itā€™s math.

This seems to be the main concern.

Federal officials are concerned that doctors may not be trained to look for the rare disorder if recipients of the vaccine develop symptoms of it. The federal health agencies said Tuesday morning that ā€œtreatment of this specific type of blood clot is different from the treatment that might typically be administeredā€ for blood clots.

ā€œUsually, an anticoagulant drug called heparin is used to treat blood clots. In this setting, administration of heparin may be dangerous, and alternative treatments need to be given,ā€ the statement said.

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FYP. Research is science; public policy is public policy.

Letā€™s just ship all the J&J doses to our brethren in Canada and let them deal with it.

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Fuck ya. Please do.

This is WAY WORSE. if thatā€™s the concern they need to send a fucking email to doctors not a media story to ā€œpause the vaccineā€. These incompetent idiots are killing people.


Give me your estimate of how many additional deaths are created by this pause.

Iā€™m not going to play your edgelord game. Iā€™ll pass.

Iā€™m basically on board with ā€œthis just sucks no matter what way you slice itā€. I think ā€œhidingā€ this extremely rare side effect would be wrong and potentially end up worse than whatā€™s happening now, so Iā€™m not exactly sure what else they should have done with this news. Maybe release the information and say theyā€™re looking into it without the pause? Iā€™m curious about how a side effect of this rarity would be treated in a typical clinical trial - would it just be part of the long list of stuff they read at the end of the commercial, or would this be a ā€œblack boxā€ type of warning?

But yeah, the amount of fodder this gives the ā€œI donā€™t want a rushed vaccineā€ crowd is so bad. ā€œWhat ELSE arenā€™t they telling us? What ELSE donā€™t they know?ā€ And like somebody else said, the inability of people to compare relative probabilities is at the root of so many problems.


Thatā€™s basically how I see it. Americans are barely willing to get a vaccine thatā€™s 100% safe, the vaxx truther crowd is going to go nuts and even regular Joes are going to be discouraged if they hear thereā€™s even a one in a million chance that it will kill you. idk, maybe the right thing is to continue distributing it but itā€™s still going to suck no matter what.

This sucksā€¦I have an appointment for J&J on Thursday. Iā€™ll definitely still take it if theyā€™ll let me.


Really looking forward to most of my family now permanently refusing to get any vaccine and continuing to treat Covid like itā€™s fake. Thank God I got my parents to get vaccinated a couple weeks ago. Wonder how many funerals I will get to go to over the next few years because of insanely dumb shit like this.

Also Clovis is right, the breathless media reporting on this is criminal.


If someone dies because this news made the hesitant to take the vaccine, they were killed by their own stupidity, not the by the FDA doing its job.

I do not think you know what that term means.

Ya know, unless itā€™s something they do multiple times a day every day. Then they are completely on board with worse odds than that.


You know that lots of people not getting vaccinated makes things worse for all of us, right?


If it takes out more of them than us, thatā€™s just math.

Yep no idea what an edgelord is.

Just incredibly irresponsible and stupid to stop J&J vaccines. WTF are they thinking.