COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

It is not a contradiction to point out that a vaccine that does not stop 100 percent of infections also does not stop 100 percent of transmissions.


Nate isn’t wrong about transmission among those vaccinated but at the same time with no real way of quickly verifying who is vaccinated in a crowd I don’t see what else the recommendation could be.

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Incorrect, it is, at a minimum, greatly reduced. Germ theory still applies.

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He claimed that we know something and then in the next sentence stated that we don’t.

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Stating that something exists in a range, especially a small range on the extreme end of possible answers, is not the same as ''not knowing".

Nate’s using old covid vs vaccine stats from a country that won the vaccine race as they struck a reporting deal with the manufacturer for early acess

Sputnik was reputed to be 97%+ efficacy (lol Russia) but South America claiming it’s effectiveness not a lot over 50% against the variants. AZ feared the same vs P1 and South African.

Last we heard from Moderna (Dec 2020?) was they redesigning an update. Pfizer been quiet too.

she vaxed?

Utter bullshit to anyone familiar with literature on the subject.

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FWIW, my rage levels while reading this thread have gone down considerably since blocking Churchill. Give it a try, you might like it.


Problem is that his nonsense needs to be corrected.


Sure Churchill, but moderna/pfizer haven’t ‘been quiet’. Literature is filled with various work, mostly promising.

What about variants?

New versions of the coronavirus are emerging in countries around the world.

However, there is a warning sign from Janssen and Novavax, which have the first “real-world” data on the new variants.

Both showed a dip in their overall effectiveness in South Africa, where a new and worrying variant has been spreading.

The results were still good and clearly better than no vaccine at all, but they emphasise how coronavirus is a moving target.

We may need to change the vaccines we use in the future.

Above would seem to imply we await ‘real world’ variant data on Pfizer and Moderna - which we’ll get from the US very shortly - but what data we do have, doesn’t bode well

What still needs to be done?

  • Huge-scale manufacturing to produce billions of doses and distribute them around the world
  • Research to find out how long protection lasts
  • Research to discover what effect vaccine have on the spread of the virus
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I’ll be sure to visit the local library


Churchill this is not going to turn into me doing all the research for you. I’m right on this. You are not.


Oh, good. We’re back to churchill throwing down citations that do not say what he wants them to say.


Still 2 metres (6ft) here…

Exactly this. Plus there will be a huge fraction of those false claiming they’ve been vaxxed (25a%?).

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Variants still new to US reporters…

The 2 weeks is LOL, try 4 months

Standard (with B1.1.7)…

This is true. People should contradict vaccine and covid misinformation wherever it exists as much as possible. Whether it’s another forum, or here, in this thread, or the oranges of covid thread.