COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

If this is true, there are multiple people who seem to feel this way and you can take turns teeing off against him. Consider giving a few hours before responding and give other people a chance to reply, then weigh in later. Use bookmarks to note posts that you want to argue against.

At the very least, slowing down your rate of response can cool things down.

I thought she did. Apparently, she had to cancel because she was in contact with somebody who ended up being diagnosed with covid (her boyfriend) and then tested positive afterwards herself which will further increase her time away from a vaccine.

Iā€™m not completely clear on the exact timeline but Iā€™m not gonna interrogate a 62 year old woman with covid about timelines over Skype.

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How is the boyfriend doing?

Thanks for asking :slight_smile:

Heā€™s not in the hospital and his oximeter readings are normal. But his symptoms are a bit more severe than hers.

They both in relatively good shape for their age so theyā€™ll overcome it.

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This isnā€™t even a little bit true. The people doing that are a fraction of a fraction of a percent.

Silver lining time? Maybe this convinces your sister up get vaccinated. Hope your mom is ok.

Sheā€™s the one who told me about the boyfriend having covid. So, it probably wonā€™t. If they beat it, sheā€™ll go ā€œOh itā€™s just like the flu!ā€ or some shit like that. If they can beat, I can.

Given that she lives with my other sister who did get vaccinated, I assume that she likely tried her best to convince her as well.

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So Iā€™m taking after my main man suzzer and going to PR to bang (my wife, maybe) next week. I find it a little odd they prefer a negative covid test over a vaccination record to enter. Wouldnā€™t a fully vaxed person be less risk than an unvaxed person who tested negative 3 days before arrival? Maybe they are worried about fakes? Someone make sense of this for me.


Probably no good reason just company policy.

So are they just planning on skipping the vaccine now?

Suzzer went to CR, so thatā€™s a bit different. And if you actually bang, then itā€™s very different.


My mother stated that they arenā€™t permitted to get the vaccine for 90 days since they have antibodies.

Of course, they could always lie and get it anyway. Not sure how they could be caught.

Why is your wife going to PR?

Unless there is some new info Iā€™m unaware of, I thought the official recommendation was to wait only 2 weeks after infection. The 90 day rec is for people treated with convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibodies.

At least that is what I thought. Has anyone else heard of this 90 day thing?

I assume I am missing the joke but she has family there.

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Yeah, it sure seems like her info is wrong. Unless something changed in the last couple of weeks.

Seems that every other sentence out of her mouth is misunderstood information or a conspiracy theory.

I suppose thatā€™s what age does to you. Any message gets turned into alphabet soup and youā€™re left putting the letters together to form a message.

She was supposed to visit The Villages this weekend too for her potential retirement. Maybe the covid is a sign that she shouldnā€™t go there.

Yeah, other than your mom being a bit on the young end for this affliction (imo), it seems pretty standard. If she were 82 instead of 62, I would find it completely unremarkable.

Dementia is very much a thing on my motherā€™s side of the family.

If she can dodge that bullet like a couple of her aunts have, sheā€™ll probably live well into her 90s.

Iā€™m not sure if being in The Villages would lead to a longer or shorter life. Who knows?

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