COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Sorry in advance for the mild flaming, but come on:

Article says this doesn’t necessarily relate to classrooms, which ok dude.

Yes meant masks in public. Don’t plan on wearing masks around my vaccinated friends and family in private gatherings.

He’s more conservative than this thread. No trips to Vegas or the gym.

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Yeah gonna be hard to feel sorry for my sister if she gets covid.

My other had the same reservation but got it in the end. Not sure if she’s had her second shot yet though.


I think that by far the main justification for “keeping restrictions on the vaccinated” is only because there is no way to know who is effectively vaccinated and who isn’t.

There are other reasons as well, of course. But that’s the main one, imo, as far as general recommendations go.

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It also is not clear how much exposure a vaccinated person can take without getting sick.

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Yeah, that is one of the other ones.

How would you isolate a case where only smear transmission is possible?

Huh? There are literally millions of people who have only gotten deliveries or curbside groceries over an x weeks period - who had zero contact with other human beings and would only have gotten covid from smear transmission.

To my knowledge, there hasn’t been a single case mentioned anywhere.

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“And on your local news tonight, this Town Valley couple say, that they think they got covid from… their strawberries? Sandy has the story.”

“Well Gary, this is really interesting because this Town Valley couple say that they have been working from home and haven’t seen anyone for over a month. Last Saturday they received their weekly grocery delivery from Vodu. The husband says that although he ran the strawberries under water to remove dirt, but he didn’t wash his hands.”

“Ugh, like I just didn’t know you could get covid from smear transmission but now I ugh really want to get the word out.”

“Now Gary, they say they are doing fine and are quarantining at home.”

“Amazing story Sandy. Stay vigilant people.”

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Yeah, I think we should keep cleaning doorknobs and elevator buttons since that is helpful anyways, but I am no longer worried about my groceries or takeout being infected. Are you in agreement with that or are you still not eating takeout?

It also is not clear how much a vaccinated person can transmit the disease (see Brazil P1, currently being transmitted in California, Minnosota and ?)

More than 90% of those cases involve the variant first identified in the UK, which now appears to have replaced the original strain of the virus in some areas.

Cases of the Brazil variant have doubled in the past week and there have been nearly 300 cases of the South Africa variant discovered in provinces across the vast country.

According Andrew Morris, a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, the pace of vaccine rollout has been coming “a little bit too little, too late” to effectively reduce the spread.

The rapid spread of the new variants seem to have caught health officials by surprise, he tells BBC News, noting that in Ontario they are now left “trying to get a pretty uncontrolled situation under control”.

“We’re not going to be able to vaccinate our way out of this,” he warned, adding: “The way to do this is to reduce people interacting.”

While mask mandates quickly became fodder for the culture wars, there’s resistance to vaccine passports from all sides. Conservative leaders say they will resist any movement toward a vaccine pass, arguing it’s an infringement of individual freedoms.

Some progressives, too, have raised concerns, saying vaccine passport schemes are likely to exacerbate existing inequality.

Experts say the resistance is a product of America’s peculiar public health history.

“This is not a country that has necessarily deep heritage belief in government or in science,” said David Rosner, a socio-medical sciences professor at Columbia University. “The idea of having ID cards or green passes here, I think it’s going to create another giant political crisis.”

Annndddd my mother has covid!

What a birthday gift for her to get!

Spoke to her on and it’s pretty mild especially compared to her boyfriend apparently.


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Does Nate not see the contradiction in his tweet?


This is you spreading misinformation again. There have been studies of transmission, and vaccination stops it, exactly as expected.