COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I feel like this is the reason the CDC has vast legal powers to combat epidemics. They shouldn’t, and don’t, have to rely on scolding and trickery to get people to behave responsibly, they just choose to.

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The problem is the massive population of asduolex who will not get vaccinated but will lie about it so they don’t get hassled for not wearing a mask.

They represent an ongoing community health crisis.

That being said I went to the grocery store for the first time in a year yesterday.

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A model from the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s (IHME) predicts about 618,523 people will have died from coronavirus in the US by August 1. If 95% of the US population wore masks, the projection drops to 604,413 deaths.

In the worst-case scenario, in which fully vaccinated people return to pre-pandemic levels of mobility, the prediction grows to 697,573, the IHME forecasted. The projection factors in the rate of vaccine distribution as well as the concerning spread of more transmissible variants.

This is a TikTok by a scientist who decided to check his own blood to see if he had the antibodies after being vaccinated.

I didn’t agree with the “when you are vaccinated, don’t change anything” messaging, but I don’t have a problem with keeping some restrictions on the vaccinated.

Masks, obviously. Keeping gathering sizes down, recommending not to travel, and at least trying to nudge people to stay away from restaurants all seem reasonable still given what we know. Community spread is still high and the entire under 16 population is unvaccinated.


We’ve been in every man for themselves mode for the last 8 months, and nobody cares about what the CDC says.

For myself and the people that I know, we have seen nobody come down with covid from their curbside grocery pickups or DoorDash or the mail or packages. We know dozens of folks that have contracted it, and to a person those were all folks that decided to get up close and personal with someone else that pozzed them.

That’s good enough for me to not scrub the Frosted Flakes, but because everything is such a shit show, y’all are welcome to do what makes you comfortable.

If you need a scientific study on how folks aren’t getting it, you should keep scrubbing. It’s always been up to every individual person to make that call and it’s never going to change imo.


Don’t forget that a lot of states are still waiting to open eligibility up to people under 50 so there are millions (like me!) who want that sweet sweet shot but can’t officially get one for another few days. Once everyone’s eligible and supplies increase we’ll get to 5 million+ shots per day.


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I’m wearing masks in public for sure. Not wearing masks in groups that are fully vaxxed and/or low-risk groups (under 65 with no pre-existing conditions or not a household member of same).

Agree with all the rest. Do have a trip planned for October, however. Bought tickets/hotel a few months ago at 80% discounts in hopes that herd would be achieved by then (probably a whoops).

So my sister tells me without being asked that she isn’t getting vaccinated (I already knew this), claiming fear of long-term effects. I tell her that the odds of getting covid-19 and dying from it now are higher than long-term effects that are unlikely to exist. She refuses to engage and logs off.

Ugh. She hasn’t gone down the typical antivaxxer conspiracy theory arguments. So I don’t think she’s at that point but man it does bother me.

The irony to me is that very same logic is why she should be more afraid of getting Covid.

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ETA: Apparently because the vaccines only have emergency approval they can’t be mandatory, which seems like a dumb rule that should be easy to change.


I don’t know, according to Wapo:
38 states area already fully open to all eligible groups, including really populous states like NY, Texas, and Florida. I think the increase in more states wide-opening is going to be counteracted by demand collapse in the states already opened. The only thing that maybe could change the calculus I guess is if 12-15 year olds are made eligible for pfizer really quickly.

Shit why didn’t I reply with that on the spot?

They’re just making up “logic” to justify the conclusion. Their actual thought process goes:

I don’t know with 100% certainty that I will get very sick from Covid if I don’t get the vaccine; I don’t want to get there vaccine; I’m not getting the vaccine.

There’s no way to break this process with arguments. They will keep moving the goal posts and if you can’t prove that they will personally die tomorrow without the vaccine then they will claim they “won” the “debate”.

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One of my deplorable buddies thinks that 3/4ths of the California will be vaccinated by June so mask mandates after this date are stupid. Must be nice to be that ignorant.

Currently waiting my 15 minutes post shot.


Bit over 48 hours since shot #2 of Moderna and the 101F fever, chills and fatigue are gone

Now I have this general feeling of shittiness that has no describable symptoms other than just feeling shitty.