COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I’m pretty shocked that a sports star who wanted to get vaxxed hadn’t been already.

Fauci still being reasonable. If only more people listened and did likewise.

Situational irony at its finest.


None of this is happening.

I think the risk is at a level where businesses probably don’t need to disinfectant all chairs after use. At this point, I would not require businesses to do so until it is proven that it is necessary, rather than require them to do so until it is proven unnecessary.

Just got my second shot at Walgreens. Went super smoothly and wasn’t busy seems like Friday afternoon was actually a good time to get it done. The pharmacist was really nice and I told him that when I got my first shot I stupidly went straight to my car and left after 5 minute instead of waiting and he’s like well you might want to wait the full 15 minutes inside the store because if you go into shock in the parking lot I can’t actually run out there and stab you with an epi pen and someone would have to call 911.


I was surprised it’s still an issue for NFL players

I’m more of a Dr. Wen acolyte.

I don’t even have a position in this argument? I mean, I don’t think the CDC is just making shit up, but it definitely seems reasonable to wonder about how exactly they attribute transmission in some of these cases, and I don’t personally know the answer.

How many doordash/uber eats/etc deliveries do you think there have been during the pandemic to people who are otherwise not in contact with others? Worldwide? It has to have been in excess of a billion. That’d only be 3 per person in the US and some people would have got like 100 or more. How many of the delivery drivers were infectious? Shall we say 1 in 1,000? Doesn’t seem unreasonable. That’s a million deliveries from infectious people. If a million infectious people delivering items doesn’t result in any known cases of smear transmission, how big a deal can it possibly be? Those are conservative numbers and that’s just food deliveries, there are other parcels as well plus many other circumstances where we’d expect to see occasional smear transmission.

You can’t prove a negative, but that many potential transmission incidents for apparently no actual transmissions is powerful absence of evidence. I remember you months ago arguing against me and others saying that food deliveries posed basically zero risk, but now that there have been a billion plus of them without incident, we’ve moved on to oh well actually thats not good evidence of low smear transmission. When you’re relying on inferential evidence it’s always possible to just move the goalposts and say oh well that doesn’t count, but this is not very convincing.


You probably didn’t drink enough last night to drown out the Pfizer effects. Common mistake.

So mother’s boyfriend gets an appointment. The very next day, starts coughing and feeling shitty. Of course he has covid.

Of course now my mother’s at risk and might end up getting it before hers…and it’s her birthday today!


The problem with glory holes is, sure, you won’t catch Covid-19, but what will you catch?


Why does it have to be a pizza? Why not a nice vegan meal?

I think the CDC and others lose credibility when they try to restrict fully vaccinated people. Hey assholes, its been 14 months and people are miserable. Only the cautious will listen, and from what I can tell it almost certainly poses close to zero public health risk.

There’s a real lack of good behavioral science professionals in public health (and public services generally). This is a big missed opportunity for the greater good of society, all the behavioral expertise was snatched up by corporations to optimize sales.

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Hot spot was used way too many times in that article. The federal government shouldn’t be targeting “hot spots” and neither should state governments. The notion is silly. Get as many people vaccinated by whichever pathway offers the least resistance. As things progress you will have a great deal more relative resources to deal with trickier situations.


The US did 4 million shots again yesterday. Looks like we have plateau’d at 3 million per day 7dma. Would be nice if we could keep that up a few weeks before the demand craters and it falls but I won’t hold my breath I guess.

He nailed it. I didn’t much care for those places before so no way I have any desire to hurry on back to a crowded movie theater or shopping mall.

Football is literally run by cavemen.