COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Isnā€™t the study saying itā€™s the other way around? I.e., that 15% of cases had close school contacts, while 27% of control patients did. Whereas people who got tested because they had a positive family member were more likely to be in the case group than the control.

The whole study seems kind of useless (at least on this point) because of selection bias though. If a kid at school is found to have COVID, thereā€™s like three dozen people who will go get tested, and a lot of them will have had only incidental contact. But if your family member has COVID, the people who go get tested as a result are your immediate family members, who all have a ton of contact with you.

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i donā€™t know what bgr is, but their website just crashed safari, so iā€™m going to guess clickbait

Yaā€™ll are still debating whether COVID-19 spreads in schools? Of course it does, everyone knows that.

Only real debate is whether it is a net benefit for kids to participate in in-person schooling compared to their increased risk of becoming infected. This seems like a legitimate debate. I lean toward schools being forced to use distance learning modalities in areas with high community spread.

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Who is this idiot?

Sheā€™s a super popular maga trad-wife iirc

She was one of the early ā€œif granma has to die so i can go to Applebeeā€™s, so be itā€ types


I remember pretty much every year from 2016-2019 there were a lot of people at the end of the year who complained the year sucked, it almost became a meme, even news orgs picked it up. I remember thinking each year, yeah on a macro level itā€™s terrible obviously because Trump, but I had a good year and was happy. 2020ā€¦ I cannot say that of.

Well shit looks like it. Apologies to Churchill

On topic?

Iā€™m confused by this, this has been a thing for a long time before covid. Not sure how this is covids fault

The likely extinction of koalas is enough to make one a proponent of global warming.



If Aussies would stop shagging Koalasā€¦

apologies in advance for kink shaming Australian bestiality fetishists.


@superuberbob - dude from the Czech Republic showed up at my hostel today in jorts and a wolf t-shirt (is this a common look?) - not wearing a mask and talking your ear off. I was trying to avoid him at all costs until I found out heā€™s been in Costa Rica for over a week, so at least he probably didnā€™t bring it with him from Czech.

I think she meant its unsafe for the patients. I believe it was you who mentioned that once nurses are overloaded with more than 4-5 patients the level of care goes WAY down? Or am I not remembering that right?

On behalf of Russell Crowe, I accept your apology.