COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Rashes have been reported as a super common side effect, albeit usually closer to the injection site. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Some discussion here, including a link to an epi study that tried to distinguish between smear and aerosol transmission.

There was that instance in Australia where, IIRC, a guy broke quarantine and went to work at a pizza joint, and lied about it. They were super concerned about smear transmission because people got sick when he would not have been there if his story were true, but since he was working there at the time, it was still likely droplets or aerosols.

Moderna 2 Wed afternoon about 1. started feeling kinda crummy around 9 and went to bed early. Woke up wracked with body pains (nearly every muscle, including my gums), fatigue, fever and sore arm. Ibuprofein took care of the majority of it, but still took a nap mid-afternoon yesterday and went to bed early again. Still not in top shape this morning but certainly better than yesterday


J&J at 1 yesterday afternoon. Felt fine yesterday, woke up today with a fever, sore muscles, and slight headache. The mass vaccination site in Stockton was very well run.


Looks like the 'Burgh is opening up shots in a big way:

It’s why I thought it was a delayed allergic reaction rather than what they’re calling ‘COVID arm’.

The 6ft rule was always understood as “public health guidance” not science.

For me it has come and gone. I had the same symptoms starting a few hours after the shot. Took Tylenol and was good. Woke up the next morning and felt fine. A couple of hours after I woke up, it all came back worse than before and Tylenol isn’t as effective now.

Smear transmission probably happens, it’s not the main way it spreads and you’re probably okay getting takeout if you wash your hands. Gonna guess it’s not sexually transmitted at all.

This is about the total contact tracing that has happened on earth through now. Currently every case can be attributed to airborn spread just about. This means we should all be a lot less worried about washing our hands and a lot more worried about mask compliance.

I’m not even saying smear transmission is absolutely zero, I’m saying that if your goal is to get through COVID without getting infected how clean you keep your hands is going to have nearly no impact on your odds, but staying away from other people’s air and wearing a mask when you have to is where 99.99995% of your value is going to come from.

There have been probably billions of takeout meals consumed in the US during COVID and to the best of my knowledge there have been no cases as a result. This is despite the industries abysmal record on preventing its employees from getting COVID. There has been plenty of restaurant based spread, but that has all been extremely easy to attribute to people dining in. Don’t you think if there was smear transmission we’d have a few hermits like me who ordered a decent amount of takeout and had no risky airborne transmissions who basically only could have gotten it from takeout?

I’m sorry but this isn’t a theoretical thing at this point, we’re over a year into this pandemic and we know more than we did at the beginning. One of the things we know is that as far as we can tell, with a considerable amount of data, smear transmission isn’t a thing.

I mean airborne transmission is basically the worst case scenario for a disease to spread. It’s the nightmare fuel scenario lol. Smear doesn’t actually have to be a major vector for it.


I would counsel otherwise. Regarding COVID, maybe, but hand washing is good at preventing lots of other bad stuff.

This article from last July talks about a likely incidence of smear transmission. There is a research letter link from the CDC regarding the resulting cases. I’ll let the experts here decide its importance. Article: Coronavirus Jumped Between People Via Elevator Surfaces, Study Shows ( CDC research letter: Large SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak Caused by Asymptomatic Traveler, China - Volume 26, Number 9—September 2020 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC

Isn’t this somewhat swings and roundabouts, gaining through fewer viruses but losing some immunity from bacteria?

I don’t really know to be sure. All the medical/science folks I know might be in the pocket of BIG SOAP, but they always recommend it.

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Oh Christ, not this again

Have you even considered the possibility that they’re not wrong? If this thing aerosolizes, if could hover in the air for a very long time.

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at least not among the gasper community

That it falls to the ground pretty quickly hasn’t been disputed by any serious scientists afaik.

Right, they’re all cartoon supervillains who want you to get sick and are in the pocket of Big Smear Transmission. Stick to listening to Alex Jones for the real truth.

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