COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I mean we should still be washing our hands.

Yeah if there is one thing I’m continuing to do after this pandemic it is going to be sanitizing and washing my hands a million times. Have sort of enjoyed being healthy all the time.

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thanks q

Long time, yes.

“All along”, I don’t think so. There was a lot of advice about contacting surfaces, but I guess I can’t remember what came from the CDC specifically.



Off topic I know, but I feel like this functions as the microbiology thread.


Update after Pfizer jab #2 yesterday at noon. Went to be early (I never ever do that) tired. Slept off and on for 11 hours, had some minor cold chills, and woke up a bit fatigued still. When I first got out of bed, I got a dizzy spell and felt sickly. Turned around and went back to bed for 30 minutes and that was the end of that. Arm is still mildly/moderately sore, but tylenol has helped. Not too bad overall if that’s the worst of it.


I literally lived this with my client this week.

Of course getting the little buggers to make the product you want is a bit different than their niche in nature but still, so much of microbiology (especially media) is voodoo.

So once I get to my sister-in-laws in Ohio next week I only have to drive10 minutes vs more than 1.5 hours to get my shot. She found me a closer Moderna #2.


The video did not assert that. They had a graphic that showed that on the spectrum of outcomes between death and no infection there other results that are worth achieving.

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Unfortunately there is a Covid-1.

Been almost 24 hours. The low-grade fever, fatigue, and headache are no more. Knock on wood it stays that way.

Oddly enough, a rash formed around by right shoulder blade and middle back around midnight. But my entire body was itching. It was unbearable until I took an antihistamine and rubbed some antihistamine cream on the rash.

I basically can’t move my upper arm without wincing in pain. I’m a bit weirded out by the rash because that wasn’t an expected side effect. A delayed allergic reaction perhaps?

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On the other hand, you certainly can get the flu and a lot of other nasty shit from contaminated surfaces, so while it may definitely be hygiene theatre for Covid prevention, it’s probably at least partly responsible for our low flu numbers.

If you contact trace a few million cases and can’t definitely attribute any of it to smear it doesn’t smear.

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Current headline on

They must be reading this thread


Using this standard you would have to visit the moon to prove it isn’t made of cheese.

You have to prove things are real not prove they aren’t. At this point smear transmission is just a wild guess people had at the beginning of the pandemic.

JNJ Wed. afternoon → Felt slightly feverish Thur evening. Fine Fri morning. No other obvious symptoms. Old, so could be hiding among the other aches and pains.