COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

My 2nd shot hurt like hell. First one was fine.

Issue is that vitamin D is a marker of people who are generally healthier and move around more. Itā€™s very difficult to truly control for that. These types of studies donā€™t hold up in prospective RCT trials pretty much ever in all sorts of contexts.

I literally did not feel the shot. Nurse had to tell me it was done. Donā€™t know if fairly muscular with thick skin matters, maybe low nerve count. Iā€™ve always done pretty well with physical trauma, but I used to hate shots. I kinda got over that at around 35, now I just donā€™t look.

In the name of science donā€™t hydrate. You are our control group.

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Borderline? Holy shit, whatā€™s on the other side?

Timothy McVeigh.

Haha he is such a goddamn moron. How is he allowed to have a gun?

Where were the lockdowns for CAT SCRATCH FEVER?




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Havenā€™t they been saying that all along?

I went on Tedā€™s website and found out how to contact his PA.


You mean ā€œadopt it, and then fuck itā€

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Yeah, I think this has been pretty well known for about a year, but hygiene theater must be performed.

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As they incubate new mutations.


I was just wondering if I need to keep washing my hands every time I touch anything now that Iā€™m fully vaccinated. Great timing CDC!

All that cleanliness for nothing!

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nah. Although when I was in one of the most concentrated areas of covid in the world I didnā€™t get it despite not being perfect about contact precautions I figured/hoped

Am I allowed to touch my face again?