COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

When I went, it was the National Guard at the college. You drive up and wait in the car. Then they send groups of about 10-20 cars and you drive like a half mile away to the giant tents. They give you your shot and tell you to park facing them. If there is a problem, flash your high beams and they will come to the car. After 15 min, you could just leave.

About 14 hours.

Thereā€™s no such thing as a ā€œbaseless speculation vibeā€. The video either makes claims that have scientific evidence to back them up or it is baseless speculation. The video asserts that the better vaccines might have also fared as badly as the worse vaccines if they were subject to the worse vaccineā€™s testing. That is baseless speculation, whether you ā€œfeelā€ it is or not.

And the mRNA vaccines are clearly better than the other ones. In many areas they were measuring the same thing and the mRNA vaccines were much better and continue to be much better.

I actually just picked up one yesterday, which is kind of documented in the Home improvement thread:

Kitchen sink stops working.

Mme Melkerson: You want to take a look at this faucet. It isnā€™t working.

Melk: What the fuck am I going to do? You know Iā€™m useless at this stuff. Takes look Yeah, Iā€™ve got nothing.

Mme Melkerson: So what should we do? I guess we can call Mike (plumber) tomorrow.

Melk: Wait Iā€™ve got an e-bro on unstuck who is a plumbing master, maybe he can tell me what to do.

Mme Melkerson: WTF? Stop wasting time on that stupid site and do something useful. You are always fucking posting on there. Maybe you can google the manual and read that or something.

Melk: Sure thing honey. Let me just try this first.

Mme Melkerson: rolls eyes Maybe Iā€™ll ask my Dad, heā€™s good with this stuff (heā€™s visiting for a few days).

To make a long story short. I post in home improvement thread, Rivaldo figures out the problem in like a nanosecond, tells me what to do, itā€™s actually simple enough that I can figure it out, and I get the sink working again.

In the short run, Iā€™m invincible to accusations of wasting too much time on here. Iā€™m good for a year or two at least.



Brazil battling it out with South Africa but the UK a long way ahead - P1 might be doing the US a big favour here, vaccine wise (if such a favour is possible with covid (favor))

just drink a bottle of gatorade but tell her you didnā€™t.


Pfizer showing 95 percent effective rate in Israel at a time when the UK strain was the dominant strain?

I had 2nd Pfizer at ~ 10am on a Saturday. No noticeable effects all day Saturday, but other than walking a few miles home from the vac site, I didnā€™t do anything strenuous. Sunday I took an extra long nap in the afternoon and my temp was maybe a little warmer than my usual (within a normal range, but I think I usually run a touch cold), but that was it.


Yes, that one strain reached dominance in Israel by mid Marchā€¦The US wonā€™t be an Israel (they shut down long before UK strain dominance)

First stage[edit]

On 7 February 2021 Israel began easing lockdown restrictions:[176]

  • Restrictions on travel within and between towns were lifted
  • Workplaces that do not receive customers were reopened
  • Open-air nature reserves and parks were reopened

Second stage[edit]

During the third lockdown many Israelis were vaccinated against COVID-19. On 21 February 2021, the government implemented green passes for those who were fully vaccinated or were infected and recovered.[177] Green passes are required for the following:

  • entry into gyms, theaters, hotels, and concerts
  • entry into synagogues registered to the plan

Third stage[edit]

On 7 March 2021, restrictions were eased further. Rules include:[174]

  • Gatherings of up to 20 people indoors and 50 outdoors are allowed
  • In-person interactions with the public for non-essential services are allowed (if the service cannot be provided remotely)
  • Temperature checks for those entering public locations or businesses are canceled
  • Events of up to 300 people and up to 50% venue capacity are allowed, with up to 5% non-green-pass-holders with negative test results allowed
  • Indoor dining at restaurants allowed at 75% capacity with 2 meters between tables, for up to 100 green pass holders. Outdoor seating of up to 100 outdoors (no green pass required)
  • Places of worship not registered with green pass limited to 20 people inside, 50 outside. Those registered limited to 50% capacity (fixed seating) or 1 person per each 7 square meters.
  • Tourist attractions open for green pass holders.
  • Entry of Israeli citizens via Ben Gurion airport to increase to 3000 daily. Exit available to all those holding vaccination or recovery certificates.
  • Entry into Israel via land crossings with Jorden: open twice weekly.

Green passes can be generated for those who have recovered from the virus or who are fully vaccinated (1 week after the second dose) using the Ministry of Healthā€™s Traffic Light app.

A jman220 post isnā€™t a cite. Any chance of the link to the mid March '21 findings on Pfizer from, check notes, Israel who are what 70%+ fully vaccinated?

Floating a less understood but recognised theory here: -

Is there any major difference between pollen levels at this time of year between MI and CA? Is there any chance MI would be higher than CA?

And to back up one of @jalfrezi older theories, Ireland has been studying Vit D supplements and the results today show Vit D would reduce severe outcomes so should defiantely be fed to the unvaccinated at least (maybe kids whilst we await the trials) This might also play into the variants causing less havoc in CA

Fever/chills and serious bodyache at 20 hours

Uh oh. Youā€™ll get me in trouble for being Vitaminist.

Rural red Tennessee. You can get vaccinated at Krogerā€™s. Zero people. These dopes will go through herd immunity the hard way.


Iā€™m still imagining you doing naked stuffā€¦ not pretty ;)


I think this is a smart way employers get over the whole ā€œmuh freedomsā€ shit with requiring vaccinations. Oh, you wonā€™t get a shot? Ok, we need you to get a q-tip shoved up your nose every week from now until the end of time. Have fun. Weekly isnā€™t enough though. They should force it daily, or at least, bi-weekly.


Super Grunch:
Got the JNJ yesterday. 160 mile round trip to a Walmart in way South NJ.

Found the appointment through
COVID-19 Vaccine Spotter
Disorganized in the store. That 30 minutes is far and away my biggest exposure risk to date.
Could have gotten a 2 shot vax with a 100 mile round trip, but wanted the one and done.

No side effects that I can tell. Just the usual aches and pains.


1st phizer finally. Smaller poke than expected and not painful. Plus the hospital validated my parking :expressionless:


Are people complaining about the shot itself?
I barely felt it. Did bleed into the bandaid a bit.