COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Bolsonaro doing his part to crack down on scientists, that’s sure to help.

I got the shot (pfizer) around noon and didn’t feel anything until around midnight when I woke up with sweats, chills, headache and fever. Next day felt like a bad hangover and it lasted on and off for 3-4 days.

OK boomer.

lol I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. Your point is 1000% correct. Now imagine trying to schedule an appt without a computer, or if you don’t speak English.

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Been there. Google Translate is your friend.

Or call and ask “Do you speak [language]?” in their native language (“Mluvíš anglicky?” for me) if you don’t have access to a computer.

Don’t have access to alcohol wipes - would sniffing bong cleaning alcohol do the same?


Dunno actually. Probably wouldn’t do it lol

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Modern #2 in arm. I talked with the pharmacist quite a bit. None of it very encouraging.

He said this Wal-Mart (Macon GA) is running at about 50% capacity today (ie, half their appointment slots are unfilled). On top of that, he expects lots of cancellations because people in Atlanta get automatically generated second shot appointments, but get a closer one and never cancel this one (or, perhaps, just don’t get the shot). He was surprised that I, a guy from Atlanta, actually drove down here for the appointment.

He said when you puncture a vial, which has 10 shots worth, you have 12 hours to use it. So whenever they don’t shots in multiples of 10 per day, the remainder goes to waste.

He said this is much more difficult to administer than a flu shot because of paperwork and monitoring the patient for 15 mins (which I why I had so much facetime with the guy); he said this is the bottleneck. I said why not bring on more staff to do Covid shots only? He said the Wal-Mart pharmacies all budget hours, and their assessments are based on how successfully they limit their hours to different tasks over the year. He only got 3 hours of budgeted time per day to allocate to Covid vaccines.

Incredible lack of urgency with this whole damn thing.


For most, it seems like if you’re going to feel anything, you start to feel it within the first 24 hrs.

I didn’t really get the baseless speculation vibe, but in any case the reason I posted that was just to say that you can’t say that 94>66 and therefore one is “clearly better” than the other. They weren’t measuring the same thing.

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The vaccination rates by states are starting to get spread out. Now that the logistics, supply and eligibility have increased so much, the main constraint in most areas seems to be vaccine hesitancy. Some states that got off to a quick start, like West Virginia, are now middle of the road, while others that started slow are crushing it. Based on this map, I might do my summer vacation in New England.


I was Pfizer and I didn’t have any meaningful symptoms. To the extent I was fatigued it was about the same for the day after the shot and the day after that.

And 3 of those states (VT/MA/RI) don’t even have universal eligibility yet.

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Wife and I are scheduled for second Pfizer shot tomorrow. She is convinced, based largely on casual conversations with friends and on facebook, that you’re unlikely to experience side effects if you massively hydrate for 48 hours before the shot. So she bought a bunch of Gatorade yesterday, and has now started that hydrating process.

I, of course, am compelled to join her even though I think it’s anecdotal nonsense because:

  • hydrating with a bunch of water and Gatorade is like the least harmful thing I am likely to do to my body on a normal day.
  • more importantly, if I don’t hydrate and end up coincidentally experiencing side effects while she doesn’t, neither she nor I will ever forget it; it will forever lurk as an unforgettable time that she was “right”.

When I signed up on Walgreens website they said it was for Moderna but they switched it to Pfizer when I got in store. Just got my first shot about 20 mins ago. Woohoo!



South Dakota crushing? :thinking: I’m going to have to figure that one out.

I went for a 7 hour hike right after my second Pfizer shot. No idea if that helped but I didn’t get any symptoms.

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Patients who previously had Covid are far more likely to suffer side effects from the Pfizer jab, a UK study has revealed.

A third (33%) of people in this group reported ‘mild whole-body’ side effects such as fatigue, headache and shivers after their first dose, compared with a fifth (19%) of patients who had not had Covid.

Although further research is needed, scientists behind the study suggested this may indicate that Covid survivors may only need one dose of the vaccine, rather than the current two-dose schedule.

The study data – based on 40,000 vaccinations – comes from the Zoe Covid Symptom Study app, which asked people to log any side effects on the system for seven days following their vaccination…

South Dakota looks like the only state that started strong and stayed strong. Weird.

Sounds like marriage to me.