COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Is there something called plastic or rubber lung? Basically the tissue becomes stiffer and it takes quite a while for it to go back to normal. There was some such claim for Uncle Frank.

There’s a whole bunch of restrictive lung diseases that make lungs stiffer and they can involve breathing stuff in like asbestos, silica and more. But not that I know of

Australia has announced that under-50s will only get the Pfizer vaccine rather than the AstraZeneca “where possible”, whatever that means, due to the rare blood-clotting complication. Our vaccine rollout is going slowly due to lack of local manufacturing capacity, supply issues from Europe, and what seems to be a poorly-managed distribution effort. My impression is that it’s not really a hot political issue though because there isn’t any covid in the community here. If there were, there might be more anger at the ineffectiveness of the rollout.

Edit: Also I would personally kind of like the Pfizer as I have a vein graft in my popliteal artery and some obstruction in the tibials. Not super keen on any clot promoting agent.

The answer clearly is to commandeer all the Ice Cream vans - they’re mobile, refrigerated, can announce their arrival with a tune and could hand out a free iced lolly to the jabbed. Mr Shotee


Re: Vox video. Don’t get me wrong - I’m all for whatever propaganda we need to get needles in arms, but that vox video is obviously misrepresenting reality.

It asserts that the only goal of vaccines is to stop death. Nope. Not getting sick is definitely one of the other goals, especially with a novel virus with unknown long term side effects. mRNA ones are much better at that.

mRNA ones also seem to be much better at preventing infection with the new variants.

The video also asserts that the mRNA vaccines may have done worse had they also been studied under similarly tougher south american conditions (rather than early on in the pandemic, and in north america). This is baseless speculation. Further, as an American, the study conducted on American conditions is likely much more relevant to you and your lifestyle.


I’m not saying its not fine either. I have no idea. I’m just saying couch potatoes might not even notice, so it might be that this isn’t effecting athletes at higher rates. They’re just maybe the one who notice.

Lot of people waiting for their shot today. Last time, there was zero wait. Now there’s over a dozen people in front of me.

I’m also by far the youngest person here

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I loosely followed this small saga yesterday, and I think maybe the site director was getting flack because allowing anyone and everyone to get vaxxed right now is still technically against policy.

I still have no idea where you even sign up for an appt. at Dodger Stadium. It never shows up on myturn and I look all the time. Sites much further away than Dodger Stadium show up for me.

Googling took me to Carbon Health where I tried to sign up as over 50 and it told me no appts in the next 7 days. The opaque appointment system may be their whole problem.

Can you back up and stop KEEEDING for a second? Just once?

Dude tried to jog a half a mile and his lungs hurt. This is not extreme athlete stuff.

This was 3 months after being sick, but not hospital level. I asked him to explain lungs hurting and he said it’s a sensation he never felt before, but hurting the best he can describe it. In what universe is that not a cause for concern and something to be avoided?

Let’s just cut through the bullshit. How much would someone have to pay you to be in that spot where your lungs hurt 3 month after covid, and maybe a year after covid you can sort of do the stuff you could do before?

I wouldn’t do it for $100k. Maybe I think about it for $1M.

For me it would be about hiking on a mountain. Nowhere near extreme athlete, but something I like to do very much. It would be incredibly depressing if I couldn’t do that anymore or it took a year of not knowing whether I could or not and also worrying about long term effects.

Jon Krakauer’s dad survived a bout with polio as a kid, then it came back and sent him into hell in his 60s. He died having to be strapped to a hospital bed out of his mind, and in excruciating pain. We have no idea what long term or rebound effects might come from covid down the line.

I didn’t say it wasn’t a cause for concern or something to be avoided. Why are you being so hostile?

Because who gives a shit if a super sedentary person doesn’t notice losing a lung?

My point is I don’t believe that non-hospitalized patients cant have symptoms that can last 3,6,12 months. And who knows what the long term implications are of this thing.

Right, and you were saying that it seems to be most common in athletes. I was just making the point that it might be widespread but the athletes are the ones most likely to notice it. I wasn’t minimizing your point, I was saying it might be more widespread than you were suggesting.

If you use this site and select one of the Carbon Health locations (like the USC site run by LAFD), it brings up their whole list, including Dodger Stadium which has same-day appts available today. Not to mention all the other sites that have tons available today and tomorrow.

Actually Dodger Stadium has its own link on the site above. Beginning to think MyTurn is the problem here!


Those who got Moderna or Pfizer: how did it take before you notice any significant symptoms after your second shot (fever, extreme fatigue etc)?

I had pfizer and had nothing significant. Only caveat was that I was coming off a night shift so I was sleeping all day after I got it anyways.

My wife started vomiting 6 hours after moderna and it took 72 hours to stop.

Yikes. Second is 9am next week and I get on a plane at 3.

There’s a lot of shit on myturn (this isn’t the full list). My presumption was all the mega-sites were on there. I wonder if Dodger Stadium were on there if it would be more full.

Also how are you seeing Dodger Stadium on that site? I clicked mega sites and it doesn’t show up.

I do see the Forum.

Edit: ok I found it under “Other mass vaccination sites”. They seriously need to be pushing that thing harder if it’s really that empty.

And STILL - after llke 9 clicks including having to find Dodger Stadium all over again on the Carbon Health site, it says no appts for over 50. Did you actually click through this far to try to find an appt?

This Carbon Health site is absolutely awful compared to myturn. Once you pick a site and it tells you there’s no appt, you can’t easily go back to try a different site w/o starting over from the beginning. Myturn at least lets you go back and try a different site.

Ok I figured out to go back you have to click the X - terrible UI. And also I found appointments - by clicking the second Dodger Stadium link:

Seriously I do this stuff for a living. Their freaking UI is what is killing them.

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no worries she just refused to eat for a bit until I threatened her with an IV.

Protip: if you’re feeling super nauseous find an alcohol wipe like they use when you draw blood and sniff it. It works.

Got a sore arm, headache, am quite tired and a sour stomach.

Not sure how many of those are directly related to recently getting the vaccine or if it’s the shitty night’s sleep I had.