COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

For comparison, Michigan has had 42k new cases in the last 7 days. If you assumed that those 246 cases among the fully vaccinated happened in the same period (rather than over a span of three months), you’d have the following:


In other words, the fully vaxed would be getting COVID at less than 3% the rate of the unvaxed population. That’s better than the vaccines did in the trials! (Note that this comparison isn’t really correct, since there were fewer vaccinated people during the lookback period, etc, but that would be much harder to do accurately.)



If I’m reading this right, you’re more likely to die in Peru of COVID than all other things? Surely I’m misunderstanding that.

It’s criminal how poorly some countries are handling covid.

Got my first shot! Ez and quick process, 2nd shot scheduled for 28th


If I were 2 years younger, I’d be waiting too. A lot of my friends below that cutoff are frustrated.

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They really need to give more numbers - how many people have received the AZ jab and what is the normal occurance rate for this ‘rare’ blood clotting - without that it doesn’t mean anything.

Doesn’t look like you are:

I would be in the same boat if I hadn’t gotten some lucky leftovers (48 years old with no high risk medical conditions in CA).

79 cases of rare blood clots reported after Oxford jab, says MHRA chief

Dr June Raine says the role of the medicines regulator, the MHRA, is to confirm that the vaccines are performing as expected, to identify any very rare side effects and to ensure the benefits outweigh the risks.

She says: “The public’s safety is at the forefront of our minds.”

She says that up to 31 March, 20m doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine were given and 79 cases of rare blood clots were reported.

All 79 cases occured after the first dose and 19 people sadly died, Raine says.

Of the cases, 51 were women and 28 men aged 18 to 79 years old.

She said the risk of this kind of side effect was about four in one million to those who receive the vaccine.

Didn’t US COVID. deaths in January or February exceed all other causes of death combined? I remember there was at least one week in the US where that was the case.

Yup, and what the expected number among the unvaccinated population is.

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I was thinking it briefly topped heart disease and cancer combined but not all other causes combined.

Thanks - so 4 per million of AZ jabbed people - still needs x per million for unjabbed.

The stats are being released currently.

You’re more likely to get DVT or the other one if you catch covid, than if you take AZ - they gave the percentages comparison there

There’s an apparent correlation with low platelet counts (platelets are fragments in blood that help it to clot), also known as Thrombocytopenia.

That might be it.

If it is indeed true that the expected number of people who get vaccinated is right at or just short of what is needed for herd immunity in the US then donald trump is likely to have the power to swing things whether we like it or not by expressing enthusiastic rather than tepid endorsement of vaccines. I wonder whether that has occurred to him and whether he as we speak trying to leverage it as a way to escape prosecutions.


No he isn’t.

wtf is a ‘rare blood clot’? Frustrating how dumbed down that is.

Why are you talking about ‘long covid’? That’s not related to this paper at all, which demonstrates measurable things and shows that they are more likely in people with severe covid, which is exactly the opposite of the long covid stuff. That’s perfectly consistent with known long term consequences of people who are critically ill.

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