COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Just got my first Pfizer. Efficient operation at the Javits Center. Guy in front of me waiting the 15 mins must not have been feeling well - got rolled out in a wheelchair by the doc and nurse on duty.


I booked my Javits at Check back repeatedly - appointments open up en masse from time to time.

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Yeah, use the state website for the state sites.

Yeah, I think thatā€™s the same link I sent as well. But thatā€™s the one you need to use. The appointments do seem to drop in buckets. Another tip is to not take the first appointment if a bunch dropā€¦ Take teh second or third. If you try to take the first one chances are someone will have beaten you to it. And donā€™t waste time looking at the date and time. Just click it. Worry about the date and time when youg et to the demographic screen, if the date and time are no good you can always start over.

Yeah Iā€™m having trouble using that site from overseas even with a VPN. Iā€™ll have to ask my sister to do it.

Thanks for the info on the mass vaccination sites

At one point there were a lot of bots using that site. I think theyā€™ve put in all kidns of security to stop bots and stop people from logging on with a vpn.

To date, Brazil has recorded more than 13 million cases of coronavirus, according to the health ministry. Some 66,570 people died with Covid-19 in March, more than double the previous monthly record.

ā€œBrazil nowā€¦ is a threat to the entire effort of the international community to control the pandemic,ā€ Dr Miguel Nicolelis, who has been closely tracking cases in the country, told the BBC.

ā€œIf Brazil is not under control, then the planet is not going to be safe, because we are brewing new variants every weekā€¦ and they are going to cross borders,ā€ he said.

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US wonā€™t be much different, should the variants strike and should US choose no lockdown to controlā€¦other than the 20% ā€˜fullyā€™ vaccinated, I guess

Iā€™m hoping MI sets a good example and closes almost everything (I know, lol)

Two hundred and forty six Michigan residents have tested positive for Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated, three of whom have died.

Health officials in the state stressed that a small proportion of people take longer than two weeks to develop antibodies after their second shot. Those who caught Covid after both jabs also could have caught Covid prior to vaccination or in the gap between the two shots.

Well thatā€™s a really dumb use of the term ā€œfully vaccinated.ā€ Good to see the media doing all it can to stir up anti-vaccine idiocy.



editorā€™s note: he might have been infected before getting the vaccine.


Same article said some to the positives could have been residual positives from prior infection and most of them were asymptomatic or mild infections. This is a nothingburger. The vaccine is 95 percent effective. This shit is still going to happen.


all tested positive at least two weeks after receiving the last dose of the inoculation - I doubt all waited 6 weeks to show symptoms

Did you read the article you linked? It actually said that some number of them were probably residual positives from previous infection.

Edit: Also, lol nypost.



Great, so at least 246 of the fully vaccinated (in MI) are still transmitting 2 weeks after 2nd dose?

If you get infected and then get the vaccine, the vaccine might not help you much.

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A review by the drugs regulator MHRA found by the end of March 79 people in the UK suffered rare blood clots after vaccination - 19 of whom died.

The regulator said this was not proof the jab had caused the clots.

But it said the link was getting firmer.

The regulator said the side-effects were extremely rare and the vaccineā€™s effectiveness was proven.

Only person in this poll waiting to be declared eligible. Fucking Massachusetts

Testing positive does not mean you are actively transmitting covidā€¦ There are people who still test positive for months after. Itā€™s the reason the CDC does not require a negative test to exit quarantine after infection.