COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Lots of appointments doesn’t mean lots of extra shots. It’s possible they have plenty of time but few doses and they just yank all of the appointments when the last dose is spoken for.

Javitz Center (the biggest vaccination site in Manhattan) not showing any availability until April 28th. The state just opened up eligibility to all adults today, so demand seems to still be strong.

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CSU Bakersfield is accepting all comers to get vaccinated 16+, no appointment necessary. Just that they will prioritize Kern County residents, but they have capacity for 5000+ a day and aren’t coming close to hitting that cap.

And, Kern’s Public Health Dept is doing LA media hits encouraging people to drive to bako for the jab…

Stuff might open up at random or scheduled times - like 5am.

COVID fucks people up psychologically…maybe.

Of course leave it to CNN to scare the shit out of people with misleading headlines.

Fuck you so much CNN. Anxiety and mood disorders aren’t brain diseases you douchebags. Plus, there’s no evidence that the disease caused any kind of physical damage to the brain that caused this. It’s likely the traumatic experience of having a deadly disease people know little about ravaging their body in unknown ways. Plus, how many of these people actually had these disorders prior to getting covid? Who’s to say that it actually increaes prevalence when it may just increase diagnoses of previously undiagnosed mental illness? After all, so many people are now having more attention paid to their health given their condition. Maybe it’s merely temporary trauma related to it rather than an actual disorder.

Read the paper. There are large relative increases in basically all the physical brain diseases (such as encephalitis or stroke) and essentially no increase in mood disorders.

The EU fucked up.

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That last one is great.

This doesn’t seem to be the case anywhere, becasue you can watch the appointments disappear one by one in real time if you keep refreshing.

Yeah but that’s in the heart of Manhattan. The rest of the state has wide availability at this point.

Wednesday poll:

Where are you in the COVID vaccine timeline?
  • Over 2 weeks since second shot.
  • Got second shot less than 2 weeks ago.
  • In between first and second shot.
  • Have appointment for first shot.
  • Eligible, but unable to find appointment.
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible (US)
  • Still waiting to be declared eligible (non-US)

0 voters

But not the rest of the city. Trying to set up an appointment for my mother’s boyfriend and most places are completely booked. I was able to find just one appointment for him among a dozen places and he couldn’t make it due to some other plans.

Guess I’ll try another time.

ETA: Currently between first and second shot for the poll. Will shift answer to “Got second shot less than two weeks ago” tomorrow if I’m not too sick.

Can he get to the queens mega site at the Aqueduct racetrack? If so, just use the refresh trick. You’ll get one there. They make you do a captcha now so you’re going to get really good at finding bridges and crosswalks, but if you keep at it for like 20 minutes tops through the ny am i eligible site: I 100 percent guarantee you will get one. Just make sure you click it immediately when it appears and click on the time immediately. Don’t even take a moment to see what time and date it is. Just click it immediately on both screens and you can look at what the time and date actually is once you start putting in demographic information.

Edit: Honestly you can probably do the same trick for the Javitz site as well. Best time of day seems to be now until like early afternoon. Lot of people getting other appointments and cancelling.

It’s not even as simple as reducing allocations. There is like a minimum delivery size for Pfizer & Moderna for these rural areas, the way that they’re shipped. And unless you shut off the supply entirely the rural areas are going to get these minimum delivery sizes, for which they are not using everything. This is also why in some blue rural areas (IE in New England), you have the best vaccination rates in the country. It’s a combination of them getting more vaccines per capita because of minimum devliery sizes coupled with them not being full of deplorable anti-vaxxers.

On the website you provide, I get a system error. No idea why.

Javits Center and Aqueduct aren’t accepting first shot appointments.

Citi Field has availability but the Vax4NYC website is unusable. I tried to search for appointments on future days and it says to search only on the current day or earlier. If I search earlier than the current day, it says to search the current day or later.

So basically if there are no appointments available the day of then you can’t schedule one online and I’m not paying out the ass to call Citi Field from 5,000 miles away. He knows how to talk.

Javits Center & Aqueduct are absolutely booking first shot appointments. Not sure why the website I sent triggered an error, unless they have something to block international IP addresses? You’re overseas, right? But a person can book a Javitz or Aqueduct appointment using the strategy I just laid out. I literally booked an Aqueduct appointment for a friend on Long Island using that strategy yesterday. Even though it says “no appointments available” click on “Schedule your vaccine appointment” anyway. Then do the captcha. If it says no apopintments available, go back to the previous sscreen and click on “schedule your vaccine appointmnet” again. If no appointment repeat step 1. I absolutely guarantee you that you will get one in 20 minutes or less with this strategy. Likely you will get one in 5 minutes.

So I guess is also a piece of shit website. Totally unsurprising.

Ugh. And yeah, I’m registering from abroad but I’m using a VPN. Perhaps the VPN isn’t enough for that one site. It’s enough for the others so far.

But I have been told that long covid is a total psychosomatic hoax by some here? How can this be?