COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The prediction comes true! I travelled to Montana and now the governor has Covid.

If he doesn’t make it, only 9 more to go.


I was told there would be herd immunity! I protest this surge.

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JVCI announced about 10 days ago. You are aware of the UK’s ongoing anitbody tests and many of those continue in the now vaccinated. These studies, limited to Pfizer and AZ shows ZERO antibodies before day 11 and then age plays a factor. Moderna may be different.

…pre-variants - the UK study of the NHS workers with and without Pfizer during B117 transmission put reduced transmission of new variants nearer 60% than 93.7%

What is the study? I’m not finding it in your history or with a cursory google.

I wouldn’t be surprised if churchill is referring to a study being done on staff at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

Siren Study. Still ongoing but I think below is recent

The stats in my previosu post are from a (now confirmed) bad memory. Transmission was reduced on average by 75% BUT the study was mainly pre-B117.


Uh, that’s a pretty huge difference from 0, but at least we got it sorted out.

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From 60%.

I’m still saying there’s no (zero, 0) protection until at least 10 days after first dose.

That seems to be at most true only for infections. There are reduced deaths under 14 days.

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the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I’d link to the words coming out of the head of JVCI stating ‘no protection on day 10’ but it’s a yootubz albeit of channel 4 news.

The 10 day thing is nice and easy to remember, good message to put out there and stats seem to support it

Also refers to Israeli study indicating Pfizer 33% effective after first dose

"Then we looked to see what is the daily positivity rate… And we saw that there was no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated until day 14 post-vaccination.

Strange feeling to get vaccinated. … it was a beautiful day but the hour-long drive felt lonely. The gym, where vaccinations occur, was nearly empty. National guard every 10 feet, directing you. Simple, efficient, quick. … Nurse urged me to convince any of my “reluctant” friends to get vaccinated. She complained about “rednecks” who didn’t want to. Looked like the place could have been doing 5x the volume. There were about 80 seats for people to sit and wait 15 minutes after the shot, to monitor for adverse effects. Only ~10 people sitting when I was there. Since they are spaced out 6 feet I presume they are not limiting on purpose.


California planning full OFB outside of indoor mask mandates on 6/15. No vaccine passports planned.

Kroger keeps slowrolling me with new appointment openings that then have no availability for the 2nd dose, so I can’t actually book it.

Restrictions being loosened April 12th here in the CR

-Indoor meetings up to 10 people allowed
-Outdoor meetings up to 20 people allowed
-Clothing shops, stationary shops, dry cleaners, laundromats, locksmiths and farmers’ markets will be able to open
-Zoos and botanical gardens can open in outdoor areas at 20% capacity
-Preschool and kindergarten students will attend school on a rotating schedule

There will still be restrictions on the number of people allowed in a shop which will depend on its size. Masks will still be mandatory and social distancing will be essential in lines.

Looks unlikely that I’ll be teaching in-person this school year. If so, it’ll be at most for a month.

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Seems these redneck vaccine passport executive orders are tied to government connections and not prohibiting businesses that don’t work with the state government. At least that is what I was told about the Texas order.

Don’t they depend on people driving their unrefridgerated cars around to do that? That won’t work with vaccines, even if people could self administrater the shots.

Quick check of some of the LA vaccination site schedules, TONS of appointments available tomorrow. They need to start pouring resources into getting shots into harder to reach/harder to convince arms. Anybody in LA who wants one can get one pretty much on demand.

We’ll see on the 15th when it opens up to everyone. I’ve noticed the Forum has been holding spots for generally minority cities like Compton and Bell Gardens. Hope it’s working. They do seem to fill up eventually.

My health insurance provider finally got around to sending me an invitation today. Lots of open spots in Torrance with them.