COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Just came across this article about a small group of people helping people in D/FW book appointment.

But they are really booking them in further out counties that have excess supply. I think all the proper metro counties have a pretty significant demand. I think Tarrant county health department has over 820k registrations for the shot. Not sure how many they have done.

I have helped a few people register there and I follow up for them but haven’t heard anything back but it’s been open up totally less than two weeks.

I know the county tries to have a walk up clinic like once a week but that has usually been like 1000 doses. They don’t promote these very much because they fear 20k people showing up.

I hope another tree falls on him.

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Oh hey

Hi freddbird ,
This is a reminder of your upcoming COVID Vaccine Dose 1 Appt on 04/06/2021 at 12:30 PM (America/Los_Angeles)


Yeah I am not changing anything at this point. I will be wearing a mask in public around people for the foreseeable future.

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how are the numbers in europe so fucking bad. there’s a fucking vaccine.

There’s not nearly as much vaccine in most of Europe compared to the US, UK, and Israel?

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why? can’t France or Sweden afford them or there’s no way of making them?

A lot of the production is in the US, and we’re not letting much out until we’re ~done.

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Those Israel numbers are really promising!

Becuase either the vaccinations aren’t impacting the transmissions due to less than 20% being fully vaccinated or becuase the vaccines are allowing greater than anticipated transmission of new variants

UK’s transmission is low not because of vaccines but becuase we’ve been locked down for the last 4 months. Israel hasn’t ey experinced any variants.

Below are countries better vaccinated than average with greater transmission that average…

All the above EU countries are now locked down in one way or another, for last 2 weeks or so

The other issue is that a spreading disease grows exponentially until it’s not growing exponentially, and the amount of vaccination you have to have to get it not growing exponentially is pretty high.


I thought Israel supped up a lot of the early Pfizer production by offering to be part of a pre-variant study on a real population. Was the Pfizer for Israel manufactured in Israel (or Belgium)?

Dude sounds like an economist to me lol:

“Please understand, this B.1.1.7 variant is a brand new ball game,” Osterholm said on NBC’s Meet the Press. “It infects kids very readily. Unlike previous strains of the virus, we didn’t see children under 8th grade get infected often or they were not frequently very ill, they didn’t transmit to the rest of the community.”

“Michael Osterholm” is probably just Emily Oster with a fake beard on. Just look at the names!


There have also been issues with AstraZeneca.

Obviously I saw a chart earlier today that I can’t find when I need it but from what I recall Pfizer has a pretty weak immune response rate from olds - something like only 50% with seniors after a single shot after a couple of weeks. The under 50 category was 80+%.

Zero protection in any age for the first 10 days so hard to see how 50% even in the realms of possibility after 14 days.
Single dose of Pfizer know to offer less antibodies than a previous (old, pre-variant) covid infection.
Source: UK Government antibody tests in the vaccinated, UK been vaccinating since 8 Dec 2020) All data upthread

I mean, i think I was one of the earliest on this board to be fully vaccinated (as of the second week of February), and yeah, you still have to wear the mask. If for no other reason then other people don’t know you’ve been vaccinated.

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I got an automated text today from my PCP that I am eligible for the vaccine (actually completed it back in February), with a link to register. The link allowed me to get either a J&J or Moderna Vaccine from my doctor’s office (which is in a big medical complex, but still). I’m in NY where they just opened it up wide today, but this seems like a pretty good sign.


I don’t think this is true. I think it simply hasn’t been measured.

This has been measured, and one Pfizer shot does offer substantial protection after 14 days. It was something like 80% effective at preventing infection in a real world setting.