COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I think that was the theory behind giving it to local pharmacies. But that ended up being a fucking disaster.

I asked a guy iā€™m friendly with who runs the snackbar at my local golf course when he was getting his shot and he said he wanted to but couldnā€™t find a time because he works 7 days a week. Probably lots of people in similar situations.

Public facing businesses who wonā€™t give their employees PTO to get the shot is fucking insanity.

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16 hours post 2nd shot. Some body aches but thatā€™s it so far, maybe I get through this without getting sick


Iā€™m about to drive an hour to a NY vaccination site for the 1st Pfizer shot. Gonna show up a bit early and hope all goes smooth. Not expecting any symptoms from the 1st shot but I suppose you never know.

Iā€™m happy to be getting it done. Frankly, (trying to) not putting a lot of thought into it. Looks safe, seems like the right thing to do. Lake season soon. Boom.


Its like 20% fully vaccinated and some states are fully open. Thereā€™s just next to no chance there isnt a major case spike and a plateau of 7 day average over a holiday weekend certainly isnt making me feel better about where cases are going.

What that means weā€™ll see. Im reasonably confident that overall deaths are dampened, but good chance we are entering the most dangerous time of the pandemic for the unvaccinated outside of hotspots at the very outset. Then we just root like hell that Long COVID is not a prevalent thing.

Itā€™s 20% + the remaining masking and distancing, which is still happening in blue states.

One thing thatā€™s clear in the Czech Republic is that just vaccinating the elderly has led to a dramatic decrease in the number of hospitalized people. Fifteen days ago, there were nearly 9,000 people hospitalized with covid. Now itā€™s 5,700 people.

The decrease in death rate is a bit slower but is still happening.

It kind of isnt though. States are all loosening restrictions while cases are spiking. Michigan is going to be at its all time case high this week. They were one of the strictest states for restrictions last year. Way more OFB now. MA cases are rising again. Full indoor restaurant capacity and mandatory full OFS. Canā€™t link it, but Osterholm claims heā€™s spoken with both the MN and MI governors and theyd both like to ramp up restrictions and shut schools but they just fear the political backlash is so high that they wont do it. MN schools just have people telling parents ā€œafter Spring break, keep your kid home extra time if you wantā€ because they have so many absences of staff and students that the schools that the schools are dysfunctional but they just fear closing again is so unpopular that they wont do it. Yeah they arent run by full idiots like Texas and Florida, but the pandemic is ending socially in these states as well.

None of this is a surprise, but I doubt the blue states are spared a case surge.

EDIT: Just as a basic exercise, if anyone is in a blue state, go out for a drive near restaurants at brunch time next Saturday or Sunday and tell me how much masking and distancing you observe.


This is why they think Ron DeSantis is the next Republican candidate for POTUS. He did this two days ago. Heā€™s a leader. :us:


Also the fully vaccinated number is the wrong one to use. The pfizer and moderna shots appear to be more effective after one shot then J&J. The real number to use here should be the ā€œat least one shot plus 14 daysā€ number.

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Everythingā€™s getting better in the Czech Republic covid-wise and the PM responds by firing the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education.

Donā€™t get me wrong. The Minister of Education has been total shit at his job since the beginning of the pandemic. But now heā€™s actually making the right decision by very slowly opening schools and heā€™s being fired for it. The Minister of Health has been blocking the use of Sputnik and for some reason theyā€™ve waited on firing them, likely because the covid situation is now improving under his watch.

Suppose Babis canā€™t have people making smart decisions in this government. His government has to be for idiots who do what he wants them to regardless of their expertise. Itā€™s why we were the most infected country in the world for months.

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My university eliminated spring break this year with the goal of preventing student travel. But my local k-12 district had spring break last week, and they didnā€™t even suggest that people who traveled for break should quarantine before returning to school. (As if the people who chose to travel would voluntarily quarantine anyway.) So we pulled our kids from in-person this week and I guess will make a judgment call next week.

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Ours extended no on campus for a week and you had to have a negative test and had to have been in state for at least four days before testing last Friday (so a defacto one week in state) to return to campus. Weā€™ll see, next week will tell the tale.

I think you are right about that number for deaths/hospitalizations, possibly but not necessarily for raw case counts. Seems pretty likely one shot of vaccines are protective against severe outcomes against variants, not as sure they are protective against less severe cases. Maybe somewhat academic as those sort of cases are probably unlikely to be counted very well in official case counts.

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I broke a little bit when I got the first shot and the lady essentially rolled her eyes at me lol.

But I was appreciative of the second one too and they were very appreciative.

Anyways itā€™s mask burning day for me. Two weeks since second shot.



Hollywood rejoiced.

I am still going to make an effort to wear my mask even after passing full vaccination.

I think itā€™s just generally a good practice, even though I hate them. Outdoors though like during a round of golf? Nah not wearing one.