COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Only a year behind UP

found different mass vax site appt thats closer and sooner, so got dose 1 of moderna today, rather than j&j end of the week. logistics was amazing for a drive through deal. king inslee did his job. not regretting voting for corporate democrat.


I can’t imagine this summer without the vaccine. Never been prouder to be a science geek. So what if we invented nuclear weapons.

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In Chicago the Zip codes where cases are spiking are where all the young, healthy people live. You can definitely tell that more people are meeting up, going out, filling up bars in these past 2-3 weeks.

I thought the Atlantic had a really good piece about where we are in the Pandemic right now.

Vaccine Cheat Days are Adding Up


Michael Osterholm, who has advocated open schools despite being a bit of a doomsayer in general, says B117 transmits like measles in school settings (and thinks we need 90-95 percent vax to get herd) and schools now need to shut anywhere this is taking off.

Charactetizes us as 45 seconds into the first quarter of a new pandemic and thinks we need to reassess what is safe (quick trip into the store with no n95 now very dangerous)

Kind of looks like our vaccination rate is saving us from the surge being experienced in Europe.


The surge isn’t with the US quite yet. The EU countries you refer to are at 80% B117. MI was reporting about 40% B117 dominance I believe so give it 10 days and look at MI then.

It’s kinda like a tsunami where the tide’s gone out real far.

I thought 40+ states were showing increases in cases.

Vaccines will put a dent in the death stats but I suspect we’ll will see some pretty wild case numbers

I really wish that variant map was in % of samples tested, given how few samples are sequenced.

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This is a great article. It is so hard to eloquently express the banal depravity pervasive in modern america and Roth nails it every time.

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Uruguay and Paraguay registered record numbers of daily deaths, while the total number of Covid cases surpassed the 13-million mark in Brazil.

The surge has been attributed to the spread of the Brazil variant.

The variant is thought to be more than twice as transmissible as the original.

The death statistics are hopeful, but no idea how Nate could think cases are going to plateau in the near-term. Absolutely no chance.

At my pharmacy, and probably most of them, the only thing you needed was ID.

A third of the population is vaccinated and some other unknown number has had covid but is unvaccinated. That’s a lot of interruptions in the chain of transmission. Israel had a lot of plateaus’ slight upticks on their way down during their vaccination drive. We can be hopeful that we are following the Israel trajectory and not the Europe trajectory. Cases are almost certainly going to rise, but maybe nothing dramatic.

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Counterpoint: Q’anon crazy anti-vaxxers with a gun.

I googled the rate out of interest, 7,000 a day now, hoping to get to 10k.

Then literally straight after I saw that France is hoping for 10,000 per week in its first ‘vaccinodrome’ (which will be the main football stadium in Paris). It’s the thing that worries me the most about the vaccine campaign here, even the boastful aspirations are woeful.

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It’s much more varied up here in Canada. Having infinite rules about who can get it and when requires so many layers of checking, double checking, etc. I saw half a dozen people turned away with fake letters/papers/no appointment. There are some wider open ones where it’s a bit quicker of a process (and less crowded) but I had ~20 people in a crowded hallway and then ~15 people in a semi-open room and the process took about ~40 minutes.

Oh and 0 police. There were 2 maskless security guards chatting with the very first layer of helpers outside asking if you had covid symptoms but then nothing at all after that, inside or outside.

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Here’s the link

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Australia and New Zealand have announced a mutual travel bubble commencing April 19th. This allows quarantine-free travel between New Zealand and any Australian state for the first time since borders were closed at the start of the pandemic.


The plan should have been to take the vaccine to the people. Set up clinics in the local churches, schools, and libraries. Advertise to the neighborhood to get word to the shut ins and take the vaccine to them as needed.

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