COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Got myself exposed nicely with a guy having abd pain only having covid. That was great. Dammit. Come on Pfizer vaccine.


Part of the issue is that Canadians have been trained to think that healthcare falls out of the sky when they want it. I realize that this sounds like a conservative talking point, but it is true that your average Canadian never has and never will consider the logistics of health care delivery - they just expect it to be there. This is actually normally a good thing but there’s a lot of dissonance with our health care culture and, say, the fact that we can’t produce vaccines on demand.

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Should’ve let us had 54’40”

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You’re two doses in + 14 right? I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

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This doesn’t help my 3-4 out of 10 level on variant concern.

I’m off to spread Covid tomorrow. Flying to Montana for a client. Stopping to see my son (he’s had both shots) during MN layover.

I figure fewer than 10 fatalities will result and this is an acceptable trade-off for a $5k week. Im the new awval.


Those 10 people would just have died anyway.


I think the next Thor movie is filming in Australia, so Taika was there, at least in part, for work.

Yeah, and Australia should thank him for leaving the relatively safety of NZ to come to Australia and presumably help their economy. Throwing shade at him being there is dumb.

Cant give this enough :heart:

There has to be some benefit to us subsidizing all your prescription drugs. Suck it Canada.

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Open the border you back bacon lickers and we might give you some of the himmy jimmy.

Japan doesn’t even make it onto this graph.

I’m reassessing this. WApo tracker has Vermont with 36.4 percent of it’s population having recieved at least one shot versus 32.4 percent for NY. I think it’s harder to get a shot in VT right now because you guys have a lower rate of vaccine hesitancy then NY, simple as that.

NY State is super deplorable outside of the metro area. If you live in the city your experience talking to the peolke around you will be totally unrelated to the reality of upstate.

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Yes, I know, I live in one of those areas. But it’s shockingly not as vaccine resistant as you might expect.

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And the Czech Republic will not extend their state of emergency again. Starting April 12th, there won’t be one.

Can’t believe that we’ve been under one since early October. Despite that, the situation got worse in January and February. Granted, there will be restrictions but without a state of emergency and schools slowly opening, people will be way less likely to follow them.

I’ll be vaccinated before it ends. So from a purely selfish perspective it’s good news. But like last time, cases will spike, deaths and hospitalizations will increase, the R will go back above 1 and it’s back to the state of emergency some time in May.

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