COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants


Meh, I guess. Competent leadership in an historic crisis is nice, but does she have really cool socks like Justin Trudeau?

Basically, we’ve had Czech Donald Trump flailing around fucking things up while everybody else attempts to do a competent job throughout the pandemic.

On the Beach + pandemic - WW3

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Taika Waititi makes no sense. Australia has got to be a step down for him with respect to being COVID-free.

The Vancouver Canucks are pozzed.

Gotta think that the Brazil variant is everywhere in Vancouver too now.

US did 4.1 million vaccine doses today on top of 4 million yesterday. A month ago I predicted the us would be at 3 million doses per day 7dma by end of March. I was off by 3 days. I’m actually amazed we got there because we are really starting to see a demand problem in a lot of areas. I think the 3 million shots per day 7dma is probably about the peak. Maybe 3.5, and then it’s going to start to fall fast.


Now they know what their fans feel like watching them play defense!

Also interesting and concerning is that one of the Canucks, Jayce Hawyrluk, already had Covid last year and is now confirmed to have it a second time.

Apparently the Brazil variant is known to re-infect people who already recovered from Covid.

That’s a nice way of saying we have a massive logistics problem.

Because nationwide, demand >>> supply.

That’s fair. It’s a logistics problem as well. But it’s also a problem that rural areas with like only 20 percent of their population vaccinated are having demand problems. And we are weeks away from the nationwide demand <<<supply paradigm happening.

Yes, that is a major problem, but it’s one that can be solved later. There are people all over the place that want a shot but can’t get one. Focus on those people first, then worry about those who can get a shot but don’t want one.

6 weeks minimum. Probably more like 8.

I hope you’re right, because that means our demand problem isn’t as bad as I think it is.

Also we need to fucking pay people to take the vaccine. Call it a medicaid refund subsidy or something.

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I think you’re underestimating demand, at least nationwide.

Maybe I’m just biased by seeing my friend/family group in Vermont, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts who would get a shot tomorrow if they could, but aren’t eligible.

Also this state-by-state thing is infuriating. There are appointments all over northeastern New York state that Vermonters could fill.

I am biased because I’m in New York, so I only see what’s happening here, you’re right. But NY appears to havea very low rate of vaccine hesitancy, so I don’t know why we dont’ seem to be suffering from the same supply problems that a neighboring state like Vermont is.

Are you a mid-20th century British 'istorian?


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