COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Your kids will grow up in an era when biology will be the scientific focus, as physics was in the last century. At least that’s what Freeman Dyson thought. Seems reasonable.

The UK is currently using two vaccines - developed by Oxford-AstraZeneca and Pfizer-BioNTech - to protect people against Covid-19. A third - the Moderna vaccine - has been approved by the UK’s medicines watchdog.

All have been shown to be effective at preventing people from becoming seriously ill and dying from Covid.

The Oxford vaccine offers a good level of protection against the “Kent” variant now dominant in the UK. Early research on other vaccines, including Pfizer, suggest they also protect against this variant.

There are concerns vaccines may not work as well against variants first spotted in South Africa and Brazil, and some UK variants too, but they can be updated.

Probably but fuck if I know. KY governor in his most recent press briefing said there was increased demand in Johnson and Johnson, but empathized get whatever shot as soon as you can.

I guess the 2nd shot in pfizer and moderna is the bill gates 5g shit…


at least if we can get deplorables to agree to a one shot Johnson and Johnson, at least it is progress…

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NY launched a digital vaccine passport yesterday, the excelsior pass. Works like a digital wallet. I just downloaded mine. Venues can download a scanner app that lets them scan the person’s phone and it just gives them a green pass or a red fail without further information. It’s linked to NY’s database of who actually got a vaccine when and where, and it asks you verification questions before it lets you download based upon pedigree information and when/where you got the vaccine. Seems pretty decent, I hope it catches on.

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So USA#1 is going to have 50 different passports that don’t talk to each other or work internationally, isn’t it?



Edit: Meh: I bet the consortium states band together. I’m surprised that NY/NJ/CT etc haven’t banded together on this.


Seems way to early for these passports. They have real equity problems in practice to start and will have more of them if we end up needing boosters and have revert to needing paid tests in the interim. I also worry about them working correctly given some of the failures we have seen launching COViD websites and other related tech solutions.

I also am admittedly very leery of going down this rabbit hole. I’m not automatically against restricting access to the unvaccinated at some point and maybe the tech would have rolled out anyways, but I can envision add-ons to this that we really aren’t going to like.


I also got email with my first shot info. Of course either would be easy to fake unless/until there is a way for venues to electronically verify. Huh makes one thing of gun background checks.

I’ve heard man on the street type responses when someone is wrongly convicted and exonerated—- no big deal because he probably got away with other murders…

Appreciate the self awareness Melk. I tried to isolate to another thread to let my inner dickishness fly.

I was on the Delaware vaccine site last night. Can it alter DNA? Is an actual item In their FAQ.

Nah J&J is just a delay. When it becomes available to them, the goalposts will magically move as to why it’s unacceptable.

Spartan daughter reports that her Mom (the ex) is hesitant because “the current vaccines aren’t going to work against the mutants, so what’s the point now. Wait and get it later”.

Of course daughter also suspects she is behind on other adult boosters and daughter has an ace up her sleeve (aka granddaughter Spartan due mid April). We will see if she follows through on “vaccinate or stay away” policy.

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Passports aren’t even going to be possible in the US, they aren’t doing enough paperwork to demonstrate who got vaxxed.

The NY passport is for mass events. You get a green light either by having a completed vaccine treatment or a negative test within the preceding 72 hours. Seems fine to me.

Maybe for some people, but generally I’m not so sure

The NY one is tied directly to the registration/appointment system and encrypted, so it seems like it works to me. Are other states not trackign who got vaxxed?

Most states don’t have a centralized appointment system, it’s just whatever pharmacy you signed up at. I can’t even reschedule my 2nd dose.

I don’t think even NY’s system is centralized but the pharmacies are reporting data to the states. You really think the pharmacies in other states aren’t? Seems unlikely to me.

I suppose I am, but that’s a guess.