COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Pharmacies want to get paid. They’re reporting this shit somewhere.

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And is someone competently tying all that into one database? That’s big brother. They are watching me. They are he…

I find some of this worry about proving that you have the vaccine more than a little strange. I’ve had to prove my vaccination status every year since 2013 and we just filled out a paper form the vast majority of the time. The more serious people made you do antibody testing (which is how I learned I was a non-responder to measles in the MMR vaccine). EMR will have records of it for the vast majority of people. For those that don’t, you’ll still have the card. If that’s not enough, you can attest to it. If that’s not enough, antibody testing is available. It’s not that difficult of a problem imo.

I think people like one shot and they like and trust J&J more because they are familiar with the name of the company and their other products far more than anything to do with mRNA whatever. Not kidding. No more tears.

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This is exactly what the EU wants to do though apparently there is some opposition to vaccine passports. The Czech government is all in favor of it though.

Oh fuck off you vile turd. Why weren’t you saying this in 2020?


She wasn’t on an image rehabilitation campaign last year, she was on a suck up to Donnie Dumb Dumb campaign.

For sure. But she took the Hippocratic Oath. She is a fucking ghoul for siding with a shit head like Trump over science.

Anecdotal data point regarding school openings:

My gf’s aunt (let’s call her Aunt G) is a kindergarten teacher. This week Aunt G, another teacher and at least three other children got infected by a kid in that kindergarten. Aunt G then went on to infect her sister-in-law who went through chemo last year and her daughter in law.


A) can’t happen—kids don’t do that
B) must be B117


Indeed, a terrible infection trail.

Are aunts, sister in laws and daughter in laws still mixing and visiting each other in your country? Recipe for disaster. I’ve not seen my aunt, sister in law, parents etc for 12 months now. Might be able to travel further than 50 miles from my home on 12th April (law started again on 25 Dec)

(doctors don’t really do this fyi, it’s also dumb)


My anecdotal experience was that my daughter’s kindergarten teacher had it and was almost certainly teaching while infectious and nobody else in the class or school got it, so ymmv.

AFAIK the only contact they had was Aunt G bringing them Easter baskets early because there will be another lockdown next week. When I heard that I rolled my eyes so hard I almost broke my neck. The pandemic has been going on for a year though. It’s completely unrealistic to expect the theoretically necessary compliance for that long.


Really? Had no idea.

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That guy cracks me up with his alternative projections. May as well project for if a wizard casts a spell to defeat COVID

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A sorcerer is just a wizard without a hat.