COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Didn’t even make my shortlist in the asshole draft

Got 1st shot scheduled for 13 days from now, nice job Minnesota :expressionless:


I might get my 1st shot in 13 days. Don’t actually know because I can’t sign up for another 10 days.

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Bit of COVID chaos in Straya the other night, an AFL game between Brisbane and Geelong was about to start when Queensland Health had a guy test positive to the UK strain. It was later determined this was related to a hospital outbreak which it had been thought was contained. This guy had been wandering around the community while pozzed for more than a week.

So this happened:

Everyone who had made the trip down from Brisbane, which is 900 miles as the crow flies, had to leave the stadium right before the game started and go into isolation. Bear in mind the number of known cases here is 1.

I have a hard time imagining this happening in the US. One of the secrets of Australia is that despite the larrikin, lawless kind of image, we actually have one of the more compliant, rule-abiding populations around. I mean nothing like somewhere like Japan, but in the context of Western countries. The travelling fans were pissed off, obviously, but as far as I know they complied.

Because this would never happen in the US, even in the bluest areas of the country.

How would anyone know if someone from Brisbane didn’t comply. Was anyone checking IDs or something or was it 100% honor system?

I also don’t understand why this wouldn’t require everyone in the stadium to quarantine. Not just the Queenslanders. Once they’re mixed in with the natives isn’t everyone potentially tainted.

Beat: someone in my older daughter’s daycare class tested positive, despite the fact that covid cases around here are super low.
Beat: both girls are out of daycare until after Easter
Beat: this may cancel MrsWookie’s vaccine appointment as well
Variance: both girls have been out of daycare since Thursday, so maybe this reduces their exposure, but probably not.

Just when I thought we were finally winning the pandemic, it comes back from the dead like a horror movie villain.


I got shot #2 this morning then hiked all day. So far no soreness or sickness.

I put my vaccine card in my passport. Please remind me where it is when I inevitably post in this thread bemoaning losing my vaccine card.


You might need to tell us where you put your passport, just to be safe.


Passport is always in the same cubbyhole. I’ll let you know if I stupidly decide to move it somewhere else.

And I assume card is photographed and stored in cloud somewhere?

My wife and I still can’t get 90% of our family to get it. I could tell you their specific objections but it spreads the full range of bullshit so no need. My sister is having some big Memorial Day family shindig and asked if we were coming. When I said it depended on if any of them were getting vaccinated that did not go over well.

As a small offshoot can someone explain why every lunatic family member and friend I know is “waiting for Johnson and Johnson”? There has to be some Hannity or Tucker Carlson tie in I am missing.


No, that’s a good idea. Thanks!

I would guess no mRNA, no Bill Gates.


I’d like to apply this goodwill toward a sentence reduction in my inevitable next ignoring.

You’re actually still on ignore. But I’ve been checking your posts as a form of parole. So far you’re a model parolee.

I will try to contain myself when I’m having a bad day in the future. I was convinced you were just trolling me. But now I think I was wrong.

I really wasn’t that last time. But I’m sure I have before. I’m kind of a dickish poster sometimes. So if I didn’t deserve it for that, maybe I deserved it for something.


I think a lot of these people waiting for Johnson and Johnson arent crazy anti vaxxers but people that are just scared of this brand new type of vaccine they are hearing about. They think well I have had all these non MRNA vaccines and im fine I don’t want this new type of vaccine. I never gave a thought about vaccines until I had a kid last year. I don’t think I went to biology class one time in high school. I am a complete dummy when it comes to this stuff. I am scheduled next week to get my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. I will be honest and say I am nervous about it. If it wasn’t for a lot of people on here who are a lot more knowledgeable on these type of things, I might too be waiting to get J&J vaccine or no vaccine. Im lucky that I joined a poker forum 15 years ago and followed a bunch of you guys over here.


They probably think mRNA alters their dna

I hear this type of thing from people who I grew up with or associate with through poker. I can’t really even argue or tell them this is incorrect because I lack any knowledge on this subject. I can just say look at what all the experts in this field are saying.