COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

I feel like a reference to the world record for hocking a loogie (7.16 ft) would have gotten the point across in far fewer words.

Killing a virus is akin to trying to destroy cockroaches.

Rate goes down in Czech Republic and Slovakia but surges in neighboring countries Poland and Hungary.

This is strange given the vaccination rates in the countries

Once Hungary started using Sputnik, their vaccination rate surged but that followed a surge in cases. Does Sputnik even work?

Yesterday Vermont broke its one-day record for COVID cases with 251.

Not a great time to be relaxing restrictions on bars imo.

Do you know if these tests are sensitive enough to determine whether any of the new positive tests were of a variant?

I don’t think that was done, or at least it wasn’t reported extensively.

Earlier this week, the university here had 95 positives, 4 were the B.1.1.7 variant.

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None of the tests work that way, and I believe it requires genetic sequencing.

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Looks like Czech Republic is preparing to go back to school in stages, probably starting around mid-April. I’ll have both shots in by then though it’ll only be a week or so after that second shot.

They’ve got some plan to give antigen tests to students though there aren’t a whole lot of specifics. The whole thing about antigens not showing up for X number of days after contracting it or tests coming back positive for those who had covid a month or so ago doesn’t really factor into this plan I guess.

It really doesn’t make any sense. The school year ends mid-June. Most students probably wouldn’t get back until mid-May. Only reason to risk the students for a single month where almost nothing gets done is for politics.

40% of my classes finish at the end of April. So whatever.

second moderna shot is officially in my arm. I’m less emotional this time than the first time. still feels good man.


My dad used to buy stacks of Peeps from Walgreens when they discounted them to 10 cents after Easter. Our laundry room was sugar-covered marshmallow heaven.

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In Ontario the general sentiment seems to be “Well, times up government, you’ve had your chance and now it’s your fault that you are lagging our peer countries on vaccine distribution so we’re not going to accept ongoing restrictions”. I’m sure that attitude is prevalent elsewhere in Canada as well.

Some tests in the UK (and probably the US) will detect variants by what’s not in a typical (old) covid test vs a 2021 covid test. You need geonomic analysis to tell which one your dealing with but they all have the same element missing from the tests.

Other, more elequant posters may be able to explain better but it’s basically this but reverse engineered…

U.S. sets single-day vaccination record with 3.4 million shots administered

The U.S. reported on Friday a single-day record of Covid-19 vaccine shots administered.

Nearly 3.4 million new doses of the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were reported to have been given, according to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That brings the U.S. seven-day average of doses administered to 2.6 million shots per day.

Doug Ford needs help from the nanny state government? His dad must rolling over in his grave.

What exactly does “on loan” mean here?

I clicked the link and skimmed for 5 seconds without seeing an answer before giving up. Not my best effort, but still an effort.

Yeah, Washington Post reports it that way. I think it’s down to how and when they report vaccinations. It’s like cases. When it’s reported isn’t necessarily when it’s given.

Doug Ford doesn’t even crack a top 50 worst person in politics of the past 5 years at this point.

We’ll be back to extract that shit from Canadians Cold Dead Arms.

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True, but is still very representative of a type of conservative that should be forcefully rejected.

In theory, I guess. But my point is the whole “I refuse to even try to understand how a government program could be good, therefore they are all bad” version of Conservatism is particularly destructive at a time when big government actions are clearly needed to solve out big problems.

Indeed. I dont really support any conservative politician, if I did I don’t think I’d be on the forum. But I am especially against fascists first, and my second most hated type of con is the Proudly Ignorant Conservative.

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