COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Sounds like JT’s case. It seems like more of a “not right now” instead of “can’t ever get vaccinated”.

Redfield says he thinks COVID_19 came from a lab. I know the experts here are adamant that it didn’t. Thoughts? Former CDC Chief Says He Thinks Coronavirus Came From Wuhan Lab (

I’ve been willing to consider this possibility, but absolutely no one credible in the field has jumped on board, so it seems extremely unlikely at this point

Redfield said the virus’s strength, in how easily it spreads, suggests it was being developed in a lab. If it had come from animals, it would have likely taken more time to adapt to spreading between humans, he said.

“I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human – and, at that moment in time, the virus came to the human, became one of the most infectious viruses that we know in humanity for human-to-human transmission,” Redfield said. “It takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient in human-to-human transmission. I just don’t think this makes biological sense.”

Yeah, this guy is a moron.


Redfield already had close to zero credibility IIRC.

But that quote is just moronic. “I cannot believe that this particular virus, one of the most infectious diseases ever, so easily spread to humans”.

Like, isn’t it obviously the case that more infectious diseases will be the ones that more easily pass from animals to humans? I dunno, I’m not a rocket surgeon.


“You don’t have to weaponize the bird flu, the birds are already doing that” remains one of the greatest movie quotes ever.


Well, I suppose that technically counts as science.

Regardless, not focusing on ventilation is tremendously stupid. It’s in the fucking air. CDC and WHO are still behind on this.

In more B117 news- guess where it is circulating. Yup kids and their parents who are largely late in the vaccine priority.

Well I guess it gets us to herd faster. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Statements like that are sensationalist and dumb imo and are not helping things at this point.

I don’t see how that is “sensationalist” at all. Seems like a very valid question to ask.


They wanted to test her because she has a slew of allergies and has had severe reactions in the past. A lot of her allergies were recently diagnosed so I guess they just didnt have the PEG/polysorbate tests done yet. She actually went to get the first shot and they wouldn’t give it to her based on her medical history, which delayed her getting it by about 3 weeks. Luckily it all worked out fine.

Six feet was the original distancing guidance when the WHO and CDC thought this virus followed the standard droplet model. Six feet was never safe for Covid.


Being allergic to lots of stuff is an unfortunate way to have to live. However, I’m glad she dodged those two and was able to get the vaccine.

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Ignoring how the thing actually spreads is what is dumb.

Distance probably doesn’t matter that much when masked. It’s that the kids all take off their masks at the same to eat in rooms that often have horizontal and slow ventilation patterns. Plexiglass is not effective if stuff circulates at face level.

The mode is all wrong based on droplets. Aerosols is the concern.

Colds and flu stopped dead this past year. Covid rages on.

Nah, not when B117 is 55-70% more transmissable but there’s alot of other things besides school you guys can shut first (I know, USA never locking down again) that also can’t be done at least 6ft distance. B117 can spread during lockdown lites so hard to see how US shkaes this one.

These facts have been in the thread for 3 months. Hence the term UK variant, studies have been done elsewhere.

Nice to see some focus now it’s nearing what say 30% dominance in the US? Poland is at 80% and hospitals are full.

Not mentioning how long you’re at 6’, masked up or not, and whether it’s 6’ in a small cramped room, 6’ in a cavernous indoor space, or 6’ outside in a howling wind is also dumb.


Poland sets new infection record for third day in a row

Poland has reported 35,143 new cases, the third record-breaking day in a row and the highest daily rise since the pandemic began, the health ministry has said.

The number of infections was up 35% from the number reported one week ago, as Poland’s third coronavirus wave continues to gain momentum. There were 443 virus-related deaths, the health ministry said.

Poland’s third wave is not expected to peak until the beginning of April. Health ministry officials attribute the spike in infections to the highly contagious UK variant, which is responsible for 80% of all new cases.

Heightened restrictions take effect on Saturday with kindergartens, large DIY/furniture stores and hairdressers closing for two weeks. Numbers will be further reduced in supermarkets and churches. Officials have urged Poles to work from home and not travel for Easter.

The measures are in addition to a partial national lockdown introduced last weekend that closed shopping centres, hotels, cultural and sporting facilities.

There are now more patients in hospital and more people on ventilators than at any time since the start of the pandemic and hospitals are experiencing shortages, not just of equipment, but trained staff.

In total, Poland has reported more than two million cases and some 51,000 virus-related deaths. In contrast, Germany - which has more than double the population of Poland - has registered just over 75,000 deaths.

Yeah I actually don’t think 3 to 6 feet is going to matter much in this instance. It is all about ventilation and compliance with masks and other rules. Six feet isn’t going to save anyone otherwise. My kids are in school, but their classes are going to be outdoors for the remainder of the year. Otherwise I would likely pull them for this wave and probably will keep them home on real inclement weather days.

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Some US states will have no choice but to lockdown IMO - unless they want everyone catching it.

Like a real lockdown? They’ll let everyone catch it. 50 of 50. Enough people are vaccinated to stop hospital overflows and that’s what the US manages to.