COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

They’re the same people who couldn’t wear masks because of their high risk respiratory conditions.

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My sister is high risk and can’t get the flu shot. She had to get a few tests done before being cleared to get the covid vaccine. I can assure you her medical reasons aren’t bullshit or made up.

That being said, the percentage of people who legitimately can’t get it has to be incredibly small.

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I don’t suppose they explained why? What kind of cancer?

Is it because they think the cancer treatment he is receiving would prevent the vaccine from working well or because they actually think the vaccine would harm him?

Well she got the vaccine, so she doesn’t count. So far only JT’s friend’s stepfather is in the running.

Any idea which tests she had to determine that she could get the vaccine?

So I’m guessing he’s on some sort of immunosuppressive therapy (chemo, etc), the CDC recommends vaccination.

Immunocompromised people can receive COVID-19 vaccination. Data are currently insufficient to inform optimal timing of COVID-19 vaccination among people who are planning to receive immunosuppressive therapies. However, based on general best practices for vaccination of immunocompromised people, ideally COVID-19 vaccination should be completed at least two weeks before initiation of immunosuppressive therapies. When it is not possible to administer a complete COVID-19 vaccine series (i.e., two doses of an mRNA vaccine or a single dose of Janssen COVID-19 vaccine) in advance, people on immunosuppressive therapy can still receive COVID-19 vaccination. Decisions to delay immunosuppressive therapy to complete COVID-19 vaccination should consider the person’s risks related to their underlying condition.

I suppose that there might be something super specific to their condition, but I would strongly argue that the risks of the vaccine are far outweighed by the benefits.

Got shot 1 scheduled for Saturday. Super site set up an hour outside of Chicago that is open to Group 1C which includes people with pre-existing conditions which is me (heart condition) and my wife (pregnant).

Very very excited to be able to do things without the niggling fear of ending up in the hospital or dead


So he’s someone who can get the vaccine, just maybe not right this minute?

Ok, I’m taking him off the list

Back to square one.

Czech Republic will be slowly taken off of lockdown so long as the numbers continue to improve over the next 2 weeks.

Number of hospitalizations have declined 16% since March 15th. The 7dma on positive tests has been at its lowest since December 9th last year. I’m sure this will continue to be reflected in the slowly declining number of deaths.

The lone negative is that the rate of vaccination has declined probably due to a decrease in available AZ vaccines. We also won’t be getting the J&J vaccine until May.

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Extra :heart:


take this “had sex” brag to BBV


Found one

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I know someone who is extraordinarily “high risk.” Has an auto-immune disorder, is on immunosuppressants becuase of an organ transplant, has cancer. Her doctor still told her to take the vaccine and she did because the alternative was almost certain death if she gets covid. Now, I think there is a legitimate question about whether or not the vaccine will protect someone like her, but it didn’t prevent her from taking it.

No that’s what is recommended.

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People who have had Covid had six times better response to vaccine - study

Health workers who had Covid-19 before being vaccinated had roughly a six-fold stronger immune response to one dose of the Pfizer jab than those who had never been infected.

The study, funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, was based on 237 people in an extension of Public Health England’s Siren study of healthcare workers.

For people who have not had Covid, the first dose provided protection equivalent to having the virus.

However, a second dose allowed them to catch up with previously infected vaccinated people.

People with infection-acquired immunity, plus a single dose of the vaccine, were better protected against variants of concern than people given a single dose having never had Covid.

This implied a second booster dose could provide better protection against the virus as it mutates.

The researchers said this emphasised the importance of getting the second dose of the vaccine when offered it.

And they stressed it was still important for people who have had Covid in the past because the second dose was likely to provide broader and longer-term protection, including against variants.

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Germany’s third wave ‘could be worse’ than first two

There are indications that Germany’s third wave will be worse than the first two, the government’s health adviser has warned.

Lothar Wieler, who runs the Robert Koch Institute for disease control, has said that, if the country doesn’t do more to slow infection, it’s possible that daily case numbers could rise to 100,000.

Prof Wieler was speaking alongside Health Minister Jens Spahn at a press conference in Berlin. Both men appealed to Germans not to travel within the country or abroad over the Easter holidays.

Germany registered 21,573 new infections and 183 deaths in the last 24 hrs. The seven-day incidence rate has risen to 119 per 100,000 inhabitants, while the reproduction figure R is at 1.08.

Oh good. I’m sure Facebook will be all over this.

They tested her for a Polysorbate/polyethylene glycol allergy. Here is the CDC site recommendations on not getting the currently available vaccines if you have certain severe allergies:

If you are allergic to PEG, you should not get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get the J&J/Janssen vaccine.
If you are allergic to polysorbate, you should not get the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. Ask your doctor if you can get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

They are all just a bunch of button clickers.

Recently the government in accordance with all 16 state ministers (~governors) announced a hard lockdown for the 5 (whoopty-fucking-do) days around Easter, then quickly reversed course due to criticism and legal issues. Merkel apologized profusely for … actually trying to do something about it?!? The vaccine rollout is pathetic, the procurement was a farce. All the while at least one conservative politician was paid a million Euros for arranging a mask deal. Allegedly.

It was for a deal with a gross revenue of 7.5 million.

I have a friend who has been struggling with Crohn’s disease. They’ve been throwing everything at it to no avail and he just emergency surgery a few days ago. Anyway, during the “throwing everything at it” phase he was told he shouldn’t get the vaccine, but I don’t know more details than that.

That certainly sounds like a legitimate reason. However, it does seem like a weird thing to test someone for. Why did they think she might be allergic to those things? They had to have some reason to suspect it. And if they thought that, why is it that she never had testing before. IIRC, polyethylene glycol is in a lot of stuff.