COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Yeah completely agree with both of those changes being doable and ventilation improvements are a very good point. I just don’t know if that is a ten percent reduction cs normal flu or a fifty percent reduction vs normal flu because things like remote school and no indoor dining probably not long-term solutions.

I would think we are likely to have a couple of bad flu seasons once we fully reopen, so hopefully some of these cultural changes stick.



Basically all the respiratory viruses should have fertile ground once we reopen from what I’ve read. I expect to just have a cold or worse the whole next winter season we are open. All that temporary immunity for every circulating virus just on the wane both personally and at a population level.

Possible smart countries will be thoughtful and open gradually over several winters.



I mean not here. This is America sir. Australia and New Zealand not allowing tourists or limiting crowds in the winter for a bit, I dunno seems kind of likely?

My mom is dying in hospital and I can’t even visit. She can’t have any visitors. It’s so inhumane. I know why it’s required but it’s just so awful.

Fuck covid.


Churches full by Easter (almost)!

I’m wondering how fast they can antigen switch for the flu variant using mRNA technology.

They’re working on it but a few years off was my non expert takeaway from various articles.

You won’t be.

To mitigate a bad cold and flu season at the expense of Dow Joans or whatever the downunder equivalent of that is? Yeah right.

Got vaccine 1 today with the wife. Very emotional to have made it.


Thanks for all the support everyone. It’s really appreciated.


Bloomberg’s tracker reports 500 millions shots have now been administered globally.

USA #1 133MM
China 85 MM
India 54 MM
UK 31 MM
Brazil 18 MM
Turkey 14 MM
Germany 11 MM
Russia 10 MM

I’m sorry, Clovis. That is one of the most heartbreaking parts of this awful year. Hope you’re holding up as well as you can be.


What kind of symptoms after the second shot and how long did they last?

500 mbps download speeds. About 2 weeks.


Grunching this post. Def funny and hearted it, but (as an occasional soccer player and fan) myself he should definitely have BOTH hands around one ankle. Why’s he holding his arm?

Otherwise he’s not really a true professional.

PS: let’s not do the soccer/football thing. I’m just trying to stay bilingual here.

Out of curiosity, has anyone every come across in real life one of these high risk people who can’t receive the vaccine for medical reasons. Surely such people genuinely exist somewhere, but I’ve never encountered one. Or at least one whose “medical reason” was not some bullshit they made up.

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