COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Probably true, but I think it’s an open question if those states can get to herd through vaccination before the next wave hits.

Two reasons that, say, Florida would be closer: weather and it’s had 30% more per capita cases than Michigan. Same thing with California.

Im not sure we get to herd immunity ever, but I really dont think it is going to be possible in 2021. Just the combination of 1/4-1/3 of adults turning down the vaccine+no vaccine for kids is enough to prevent herd immunity. Some of that depends on how long natural immunity lasts/how long until we need boosters, but I think we are drawing really thin to get there this year.

I do think most of us can get back (mostly) to normal without herd immunity given the vaccine results. High risk people who cant get vaccinated are sort of perma fucked though.

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lol at that stat. We’re talking 7% pozzed in MI vs 10% pozzed in FL. Yes, “30% more per capita cases” is true. And it’s negligible af.

Depends on how many non-diagnosed cases there are. If there’s two non-diagnosed cases for every diagnosed case then it starts to be significant.

Flu has also been close to non existent here in UK where schools have been mostly open since last March.

See Manuas and Czechia where reinfections are being experienced

Job one is anyone with respiratory systems stays home or masks up.

I’m unsure of indoor ventilation improvements make a big difference for flu or not.

And of course nature will then take advantage of our lesser challenge immune systems eventually and kill us all.

Remember, I’m a microbiologist. I sometimes like to look things from the other side. Basically we are the infection and microbial diseases are just another tool of the planet to keep us in check.

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I skimmed an article that suggests the flu is going to come back with a vengeance next year.

Yeah because we’ll have no idea which vaccines to give, because normally you base it on what flus are circulating in the other hemisphere, so it’s gonna suck.


florida will be April 5th.

Everyone must have just gotten off the same call. CT just announced that they upped their release date of age 16+ to April 1st.

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fuck you inslee, liberate teh doses in WA!

First shot done (Biontech/Pfizer). Yay. :slight_smile:


Seriously I didn’t feel anything after first shot but second shot hit me a bit.

The numbers are crazy.

Still think about the months of people saying it’s just like the flu.

Between Oct. 1 and Jan. 30, only 155 people in the United StatesTrusted Source have been hospitalized with the flu.

That’s a 98 percent decrease from the same window of timeTrusted Source in the 2019-2020 flu season in which 8,633 people were hospitalized with the flu.

Man if I fade the COVID and get killed by the flu I’m going to be pissed.


I think there’s a lot of variance in any predictions, but certainly the potential for unusually bad flu seasons. Best I could tell from a few articles then issues are a loss of natural immunity because of few infections this year, and, as Jman said, very few samples on which to base vaccine composition.